针对无线Mesh网络组播中包丢失严重的问题,提出了保持包的IP层不变,而改变包的目的MAC域,进而MAC层以单播形式向组成员发送包的M2U(Multicast to Unicast)优化解决方案.为了满足组成员增加时不影响用户的性能,提出在M2U中引入了机会路由的M2UO(Multicast to Unicast Opportunistic Routing)算法,对候选节点采用单播形式发送包,对其它节点采用组播形式发送包.在实际网络环境中的大量实验表明,优化组播减小了数据包的丢失率,提高了网络的吞吐量,具有较好的组播视频流效果.
In wireless networks, data packets are lost due to channel interference and fading rather than network congestion. Thus, TCP designed for wired networks, cannot achieve a satisfying performance in wireless networks. Utilizing a cross-layer mechanism to identify the course of packet loss, we have proved that a mobile-host-centric transport protocol (MCP) can achieve higher throughput than TCP Reno and New Reno in static wireless environment. In this paper, we extend the cross-layer feedback mechanism and con...