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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Tunable UV Absorption and Mobility of Yttrium-Doped ZnO using First-Principles Calculations
The electronic structures and optical properties of Y-doped ZnO are calculated using first-principles calculations.It is found that the replacement of Zn by the rare-earth element Y presents a shallow donor,and the Fermi level moves into the conduction band(CB).The high dispersion and s-type character of CB is expected to result in an increase in conductivity.Moreover,the absorption spectrum of the Y-doped ZnO system exhibits a slight blue shift with an increase of Y concentration,and a higher transparency in visible light is expected.Therefore,the Y-doping in ZnO would enhance the mobility and hence increase the electrical conductivity without sacrificing the optical transparency,which is essential for the improvement of ZnO's behavior and its performance in extension applications.
BAI Li-NaSUN Hai-MingLIAN Jian-SheJIANG Qing
Superhydrophobic Behavior and Optical Properties of ZnO Film Fabricated by Hydrothermal Method被引量:1
ZnO film with claviform structure was synthesized on quartz substrates through a hydrothermal method at 90℃. The microstructure of the film is composed of clusters of submicrometer rods, which therefore endues the film with good superhydrophobicity. Meanwhile, the film with such tanglesome structure also shows highly crystalline quality testified by a strong ultra-violet (UV) emission and very low deep-level emission observed on the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum as well as high transparence of about 89% transmittance in visible light range.
Jizhong Zheng Jiling Song Qing Jiang Jianshe Lian
Density functional theory calculations of the metal-doped carbon nanostructures as hydrogen storage systems under electric fields: A review被引量:4
This review covers structural, electronic, and hydrogen storage properties of carbon-based materials with doped metals under electric fields with different orientations and intensities, which are determined by density functional theory (DFT) simulations. The special application case is considered in investigating variations of electronic structures, binding, and hydrogen storage properties. External fields that are often met in practical applications lead to changes of the above properties.
Zhi-wei ZHANG Jian-chen LI Qing JIANG
Dislocation-mediated creep process in nanocrystalline Cu被引量:1
Nanocrystalline Cu with average grain sizes ranging from ~ 24.4 to 131.3 nm were prepared by the electric brushplating technique.Nanoindentation tests were performed within a wide strain rate range,and the creep process of nanocrystalline Cu during the holding period and its relationship to dislocation and twin structures were examined.It was demonstrated that creep strain and creep strain rate are considerably significant for smaller grain sizes and higher loading strain rates,and are far higher than those predicted by the models of Cobble creep and grain boundary sliding.The analysis based on the calculations and experiments reveals that the significant creep deformation arises from the rapid absorption of high density dislocations stored in the loading regime.Our experiments imply that stored dislocations during loading are highly unstable and dislocation activity can proceed and lead to significant post-loading plasticity.
通过简单的离子热法,以四(4-氰基联苯基)硅烷作为四面体基块,将其与无水氯化锌在充满氩气气氛的手套箱中充分研磨后密封,分别以400和550℃的反应温度合成了新型多孔芳香骨架材料(PAF-51),得到PAF-51-1(400℃条件下)与PAF-51-2(550℃条件下)的比表面积分别为720和557 m2·g-1(BET).与CH4和N2对比,该材料对CO2具有极好的选择性吸附能力.273 K条件下,CO2/N2分离指数最高可达52.2,CO2/CH4分离指数也达到10.3,这一性质极有可能使得PAF-51成为捕获CO2理想材料,并对再生能源具有潜在的应用.
Residual stress induced wetting variation on electric brush-plated Cu film
Nanocrystalline Cu film with a mirror surface finishing is prepared by the electric brush-plating technique. The as- prepared Cu film exhibits a superhydrophilic behavior with an apparent water contact angle smaller than 10°. A subsequent increase in the water contact angle and a final wetting transition from inherent hydrophilicity with water contact angle smaller than 90° to apparent hydrophobicity with water contact angle larger than 90° are observed when the Cu film is subjected to natural aging. Analysis based on the measurement of hardness with nanoindentation and the theory of the bond-order-length-strength correlation reveals that this wetting variation on the Cu film is attributed to the relaxation of residual stress generated during brush-plating deposition and a surface hydrophobization role associated with the broken bond polarization induced by surface nanostructure.
High corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P with chromium-free conversion pre-treatments on AZ91D magnesium alloy被引量:5
Phosphate-manganese, tannic acid and vanadium conversion coatings were proposed as an effective pre-treatment layer between electroless Ni-P coating and AZ91D magnesium alloy substrate to replace the traditional chromate plus HF pre-treatment. The electrochemical results show that the chrome-free coatings plus electroless Ni-P coating on the magnesium alloy has the lowest corrosion current density and most positive corrosion potential compared with chromate plus electroless Ni-P coating on the magnesium alloy. These proposed pre-treatment layers on the substrate reduce the corrosion of magnesium during plating process, and reduce the potential difference between the matrix and the second phase. Thus, an electroless Ni-P coating with fine crystalline and dense structure was obtained, with preferential phosphorus content, low porosity, good corrosion-resistance and strengthened adhesion than the chromate plus electroless Ni-P.
Optical and Electronic Properties of Wurtzite Structure Zn_(1−x)Mg_(x)O Alloys
Optical and electronic properties of Zn_(1−x)Mg_(x)O ternary alloys of wurtzite structure are calculated by using first-principles based on the framework of generalized gradient approximation to density functional theory with the introduction of the on-site Coulomb interaction.The use of the𝑈parameter on Zn-3d𝑑and O-2p𝑝orbits is obviously crucial,which can improve the GGA to predict the electronic properties and bandgap of the Zn_(1−x)Mg_(x)O(0≤𝑥≤0.25)system reasonably.It is further demonstrated that the bandgap widens with an increasing Mg concentration from 3.217 eV of ZnO to 3.877 eV of Zn0.75Mg0.25O.Therefore,the theoretical results show that Zn_(1−x)Mg_(x)O ternary alloys are potential candidates for optoelectronic materials,especially for UV photon emitters and detectors.
Preparation and photocatalytic performance of Cu-doped TiO_2 nanoparticles被引量:6
Cu-doped TiO2 nanoparticles with different doping contents from 0 to 2.0% (mole fraction) were synthesized through sol-gel method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) were used to characterize the crystalline structure, chemical valence states and morphology of TiO2 nanoparticles. UV-Vis absorption spectrum was used to measure the optical absorption property of the samples. The photocatalytic performance of the samples was characterized by degrading 20 mg/L methyl orange under UV-Vis irradiation. The results show that the Cu-doped TiO2 nanoparticles exhibit a significant increase in photocatalytic performance over the pure TiO2 nanoparticles, and the TiO2 nanoparticles doped with 1.0% Cu show the best photocatalytic performance. The improvement in photocatalytic performance is attributed to the enhanced light adsorption in UV-Vis range and the decrease of the recombination rate of photoinduced electron-hole oair of the Cu-doped TiO2 nanoparticles.
Effects of cold rolling deformation on microstructure,hardness,and creep behavior of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel被引量:2
Effects of cold rolling deformation on the microstructure, hardness, and creep behavior of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel (HNASS) are investigated. Microstructure characterization shows that 70% cold rolling deformation results in significant refinement of the microstructure of this steel, with its average twin thickness reducing from 6.4 μm to 14 nm. Nanoindentation tests at different strain rates demonstrate that the hardness of the steel with nano-scale twins (nt-HNASS) is about 2 times as high as that of steel with micro-scale twins (mt-HNASS). The hardness of nt-HNASS exhibits a pronounced strain rate dependence with a strain rate sensitivity (m value) of 0.0319, which is far higher than that of mt-HNASS (m = 0.0029). nt-HNASS shows more significant load plateaus and a higher creep rate than mt-HNASS. Analysis reveals that higher hardness and larger m value of nt-HNASS arise from stronger strain hardening role, which is caused by the higher storage rate of dislocations and the interactions between dislocations and high density twins. The more significant load plateaus and higher creep rates of nt-HNASS are due to the rapid relaxation of the dislocation structures generated during loading.