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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
Estimating the Parental Magma Composition and Temperature of the Xiaohaizi Cumulate-Bearing Ultramafic Rock: Implication for Magma Evolution of the Tarim Large Igneous Province, Northwestern China被引量:2
The ultramafic dikes in the Tarim large igneous province(Tarim LIP), exposed in the Xiaohaizi area in the northwestern Tarim Basin of northwestern China, have porphyritic textures, and the olivine and clinopyroxene are as the major phenocryst phases. The groundmass therein consists of clinopyroxene, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxides, with the cryptocrystalline texture. The olivine phenocrysts in one typical ultramafic dike have Fo(Mg/(Mg+Fe)) numbers ranging from 73 to 85, which are not in equilibrium with the olivine(Mg# of 89) from the host rock crystalized. Combined with microscope observation, both the olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts as well as some Fe-Ti oxides in the ultramafic rock are accounted as cumulates. The liquid(parental magma) composition of SiO2 of 45.00 wt.%–48.82 wt.%, MgO of 9.93 wt.%– 18.56 wt.%, FeO of 5.85 wt.%–14.17 wt.%, CaO of 7.54 wt.%–11.52 wt.%, Al2O3 of 8.70 wt.%–11.62 wt.% and TiO2 of 0.00 wt.%–3.43 wt.% in the Xiaohaizi ultramafic rock was estimated by mass balance, and the results show a reasonable liquid proportion in the cumulate-bearing ultramafic dike(ca. 45%–60% in the whole rock). The estimated parental magma composition corresponds to a melting temperature of 1 300–1 550 oC, which is equal or higher than those of a normal asthenosphere mantle, supporting the involvement of a mantle plume. Combined with other previous studies, an evolution model for the formation processes of the Xiaohaizi ultramafic dike of the Tarim LIP is proposed.
Haowei SunYinqi LiZilong LiSiyuan ZouCharles H.LangmuirHanlin ChenShufeng YangZhongyuan Ren
Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in northwest China被引量:15
Tarim Large Igneous Province (TLIP) is the second Late Paleozoic LIPs in China after the recognition of Emeishan LIP, and is a hot research topic in geosciences. On the basis of the analysis of research history about TLIP, this paper summarizes the re- search result during last twenty years and suggests the key research area in the future. The residual distribution range of TLIP is up to 250000 km2, and the largest residual thickness is 780 m. The eruption of basalt happened during 290-288 Ma and be- longs to LIPs magmatic event with fast eruption of magma. The lithological units of the TLIP include basalt, diabase, layered intrusive rock, breccia pipe mica-olivine pyroxenite, olivine pyroxenite, gabbro, ultramafic dyke, quartz syenite, quartz syenite porphyry and bimodal dyke. The basalt and diabase of TLIP exhibit OIB-like trace element patterns and enrichment of LILE and HFSE, and mainly belong to high TiO2 series. There is an obvious difference in isotope among the basalt from Keping and the basalt and dibase from the northern Tarim Basin. The basalt from Keping with negative eNa and high REE value derives from enriched mantle, and the diabase and basalt from the northern Tarim Basin with positive ENa and low REE value axe re- lated to depleted mantle. The crust uplifting in the Early Permian and the development of picrite and large scale dyke and for- mation of large scale V-Ti-Magnetite deposit in Wajilitag area support the view that the TLIP is related to mantle plume. The TLIP has a temporal-spatial relationship with Permian basic to ultra-basic igneous rock, which is distributed widely in Central Asia, and they represent a tectono-magmatic event with very important geodynamic setting. This paper also suggests that the deep geological process, the relation with mantle plume, mineralization, the relation with environmental change and biological evolution, and the geodynamics of the TLIP will be the key research topics in the future.
YANG ShuFengCHEN HanLinLI ZiLongLI YinQiYU XingLI DongXuMENG LiFeng
塔里木巴楚县瓦吉里塔格地区出露有与塔里木早二叠世大火成岩省的形成密切相关的大型钒钛磁铁矿床.基于多元统计分析对该矿区露头和大量钻孔岩心样品中Fe-Ti-V元素和部分主量元素数据开展了元素地球化学相关性研究.采用SPSS软件对大量数据进行相关分析和回归分析,计算各元素间的相关系数,Fe、Ti、V 3种元素的相关性分析结果表明:矿床中Fe、Ti和V之间均呈正相关,成矿元素与造岩元素之间存在负相关关系;建立伴生钒元素与铁和钛元素之间关系的回归方程V=-4.984+0.360Fe+0.984Ti,由Fe和Ti元素质量分数可以估算伴生组分V的质量分数.利用Matlab软件的可视化功能,绘制了Fe-Ti-V元素质量分数的三维立体图,建立空间模型,发现Fe_2O_3T、TiO_2和V_2O_5品位较高的位置相对一致,均主要分布于研究区北部中间一带,富集在辉石岩中.该空间模型的建立有助于识别矿体和非矿体的分布范围和富集趋势,并进行成矿预测.此项研究对钒元素含量的精确估算和矿藏勘探有一定的指导意义.
塔里木早二叠世大火成岩省是继峨眉山大火成岩省之后在中国境内确认的又一个大火成岩省,是当前研究的热点和前沿问题.论文系统总结了塔里木大火成岩省近20年研究取得的成果,指出了下一步重点研究领域.塔里木大火成岩省火山岩的残余分布面积大于25万平方公里,最大残余厚度达780 m,大规模玄武岩的喷出发生在290~288 Ma期间,属于快速喷发的大火成岩省岩浆事件.塔里木大火成岩省中最为发育的玄武岩和辉绿岩岩墙的微量元素特征与OIB的特征相似,且以高钛型为主体;但在同位素特征上明显的可以分为两类,柯坪地区玄武岩具有负的εNd值,重稀土值相对较高,来自富集型地幔;塔北玄武岩和辉绿岩具有正的εNd值和相对低的重稀土值,来自亏损型地幔.早二叠世大规模地壳抬升、苦橄岩与大规模岩墙群发育和瓦基里塔格大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床都支持塔里木大火成岩省与地幔柱活动有关.塔里木大火成岩省与中亚地区广泛发育的二叠纪基性和超基性岩浆作用存在着时空联系,它们是代表了一次具有重要地球动力学意义的构造岩浆事件.论文指出了塔里木大火成岩省的深部地质过程、成矿作用、与地幔柱关系、与盆地环境变化和生命演化的关系及其大火成岩省的地球动力学意义等方面研究将是下一阶段的重点研究领域.