For a non-Gaussian Levy model, it is shown that if the model exists a trivial arbitrage-free interval, option pricing by mean correcting method is always arbitrage-free, and if the arbitrage-free interval is non-trivial, this pricing method may lead to arbitrage in some cases. In the latter case, some necessary and sufficient conditions under which option price is arbitrage-free are obtained.
We consider the MAP/PH/N retrial queue with a finite number of sources operating in a finite state Markovian random environment. Two different types of multi-dimensional Markov chains are investigated describing the behavior of the system based on state space arrangements. The special features of the two formulations are discussed. The algorithms for calculating the stationary state probabilities are elaborated, based on which the main performance measures are obtained, and numerical examples are presented as well.
Based on the modified homotopy perturbation method (MHPM), exact solutions of certain partial differential equations are constructed by separation of variables and choosing the finite terms of a series in p as exact solutions. Under suitable initial conditions, the PDE is transformed into an ODE. Some illustrative examples reveal the efficiency of the proposed method.