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作品数:6 被引量:41H指数:3


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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
An Efficient Provable Secure ID-Based Proxy Signature Scheme Based on CDH Assumption被引量:1
Identity-based proxy signature enables an entity to delegate its signing rights to another entity in identity-based cryptosystem settings. However, few existing scheme has been proved secure in a formalized model, or acquired optimized performance. To achieve the goals of both proven security and high efficiency, this paper proposed an efficient identity-based proxy signature scheme. The scheme is constructed from bilinear pairing and proved secure in the random oracle model, using the oracle replay attack technique introduced by Pointehval and Stern. The analysis shows that the scheme needs less computation costs and has a shorter signature than the other schemes.
A Secure Anonymous Internet Electronic Voting Scheme Based on the Polynomial被引量:1
In this paper, we use the polynomial function and Chaum's RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) blind signature scheme to construct a secure anonymous internet electronic voting scheme. In our scheme, each vote does not need to be revealed in the tallying phase. The ballot number of each candidate gets is counted by computing the degrees of two polynomials' greatest common divisor. Our scheme does not require a special voting channel and communication can occur entirely over the current internet.
CAO Feng CAO Zhenfu
A Proxy Signature Scheme as Secure as Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem
Based on decisional Diffie-Hellman problem, we propose a simple proxy-protected signature scheme. In the rando...
LU Rong-xing. CAO Zhen-fu Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Escrow-Free Certificate-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol from Pairings被引量:1
Key agreement protocols are essential for secure communications. In this paper, to solve the inherent key escrow problem of identity-based cryptography, an escrow-free certificate-based authenticated key agreement (CB-AK) protocol with perfect forward secrecy is proposed. Our protocol makes use of pairings on elliptic curves. The protocol is described and its properties are discussed though comparison with Smart's protocol.
WANG Shengbao CAO Zhenfu
An Identity-Based Strong Designated Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme被引量:3
In a strong designated verifier proxy signature scheme, a proxy signer can generate proxy signature on behalf of an original signer, but only the designated verifier can verify the validity of the proxy signature. In this paper, we first define the security requirements for strong designated verifier proxy signature schemes. And then we construct an identity-based strong designated verifier proxy signature scheme. We argue that the proposed scheme satisfies all of the security requirements.
WANG Qin CAO Zhenfu
A New Threshold Signature Scheme Using Self-Certified Public Keys
<正> To prevent active attack, we propose a new threshold signature scheme using self-certified public keys, wh...
SHAO Jun, LU Rong-xing, CAO Zhen-fuDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Efficient Certificateless Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol from Pairings被引量:26
In the area of secure Web information system, mutual authentication and key agreement are essential between Web clients and servers. An efficient certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol for Web client/server setting is proposed, which uses pairings on certain elliptic curves. We show that the newly proposed key agreement protocol is practical and of great efficiency, meanwhile, it satisfies every desired security require ments for key agreement protocols.
WANG ShengbaoCAO ZhenfuWANG Licheng