采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了Fe Co Ca三种元素的氧化物纳米晶。采用XRD,SEM对催化剂进行表征,同时研究了亚甲基蓝催化剂与H2O2的协同降解作用。结果表明:Fe Co Ca氧化物纳米晶和H2O2组成的Fenton反应可以有效地降解亚甲基蓝溶液;当铁钴钙三种元素的摩尔比例为1∶1.5∶3.5,催化剂投加量为1.2 g/L,过氧化氢投加量为0.7m L,初始p H值为6.80,亚甲基蓝的降解率达到93%;与传统Fenton反应体系相比,溶出铁的量降低到0.18 mg/L。
We present a synthetic methodology of polyaniline-polyurethane(PANI-PU) copolymer using interfacial in situ polymerization. PANI-PU copolymer was obtained through in situ polymerization of aniline precursor and the concave lens array film was molded by water drops. The fabrication of unique structured film was obtained through a solvent evaporation self-formed system. The detailed nanostructures of the film were illustrated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) images, which showed homogeneous structure in a close-packed hexagonal arrangement. The di- mension of well-structured hexagon ranged from 10.8 ~tm to 12.9 lxm. Sensitive electrical responses of the concave lens array film resulted in the changes of swelling/shrinkage ratio in electrolyte under various conditions. Dimen- sional control of the film was achieved via adjusting a series of parameters including time, voltage, concentration and type of electrolyte. The electrical responses resulted rearranged molecular chain caused by redox reaction via powered PANI. Most importantly, the film maintained its response characteristics after 16 cycles. The high stability of film could be directly attributed to PU doping, which could help the PANI enhancing the mechanical strength and chemical solubility in solution.
MENG Xiaomin YANG Xiaohang WANG Hongjuan JIA Ruokun