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作品数:5 被引量:0H指数:0


  • 5篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇天文地球
  • 3篇理学


  • 2篇SLOW
  • 2篇BLACK_...
  • 2篇ROTATI...
  • 1篇NEW
  • 1篇ONE-DI...
  • 1篇STAR
  • 1篇STATIC
  • 1篇CHARGE...
  • 1篇CONSTA...
  • 1篇COSMOL...
  • 1篇DENSIT...
  • 1篇EQUATI...
  • 1篇GAUSS
  • 1篇GROSS
  • 1篇METRIC
  • 1篇AN
  • 1篇ROTATI...
  • 1篇PARABO...
  • 1篇SYMMET...
  • 1篇BONNET


  • 5篇Chines...


  • 2篇2012
  • 2篇2011
  • 1篇2010
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Stabilised bright solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates in an expulsive parabolic and complex potential
The exact solitonic solutions of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schroedinger equation, which describes the dynamics of bright soliton in Bose-Einstein condensates with the time-dependent interaction in an expulsive parabolic and complex potential, are obtained by Darboux transformation. The results show that one can compress a bright soliton into an assumed peak of matter wave density by adusting the experimental parameter of the ratio of axial oscillation to radial oscillation or feeding parameter. Especially, when parameters satisfy the relation λ = 2γ the soliton is stable with time evolution without changing its shape and amplitude.
A new metric for rotating charged Gauss Bonnet black holes in AdS space
In this paper, we study a new metric for slowly rotating charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in higher-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. Taking the angular momentum parameter a up to second order, the slowly rotating charged black hole solutions are obtained by working directly in the action.
A new metric for rotating black holes in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
This paper presents a new metric and studies slowly rotating Gauss-Bonnet black holes with a nonvanishing angular momentum in five dimensional anti-de Sitter spaces. Taking the angular momentum parameter a up to second order, the slowly rotating black hole solutions are obtained by working directly in the action. In addition, it also finds that this method is applicable in higher order Lovelock gravity.
Static spherically symmetric star in Gauss-Bonnet gravity
We explore static spherically symmetric stars in Gauss-Bonnet gravity without a cosmological constant, and present an exact internal solution which attaches to the exterior vacuum solution outside stars. It turns out that the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet term with a positive coupling constant completely changes thermal and gravitational energies, and the upper bound of the red shift of spectral lines from the surface of stars. Unlike in general relativity, the upper bound of the red shift is dependent on the density of stars in our case. Moreover, we have proven that two theorems for judging the stability of equilibrium of stars in general relativity can hold in Gauss-Bonnet gravity.
Zhou KangYang Zhan-YingZou De-ChengYue Rui-Hong
Spontaneous symmetry breaking vacuum energy in cosmology
The gravitational effect of spontaneous symmetry breaking vacuum energy density is investigated by subtracting the fiat space-time contribution from the energy in the curved space-time. We find that the remaining effective energy- momentum tensor is too small to cause the acceleration of the universe, although it satisfies the characteristics of dark energy. However, it could provide a promising explanation to the puzzle of why the gravitational effect produced by the huge symmetry breaking vacuum energy in the electroweak theory has not been observed, as it has a sufficiently small value (smaller than the observed cosmic energy density by a factor of 1032).