文章以城乡建设用地扩张的高程变化为焦点,运用太湖流域1985、1995、2000和2010年4期土地利用数据及90 m DEM数据,通过构建建设用地密度指数、增量比、扩张速度、扩张强度及建设用地高程指数等指标,探寻太湖流域城乡建设用地高程变化的空间分异特征及其演变规律,结果表明:建设用地流域整体扩张的热点从中等高程区向较高和较低高程区转移,且向较低高程区转移态势尤为凸显,流域空间分布上表现为流域东部下游平原河网及北部沿江的城镇密集区和南部苕溪上游山谷地带建设用地向较低高程区逐渐扩张的趋势,而在除苕溪外的流域其他上游山地丘陵区逐渐向较高高程区扩张;新区开发及新城建设推动着城乡建设用地快速扩张,适宜建设土地供给有限与土地财政驱动下用地需求旺盛之间的矛盾迫使建设用地扩张走向较低和较高高程区,尤其苏南城镇密集区向较低高程区转移趋势更显著;建设用地向低海拔地区扩张必然挤占自然蓄滞水空间,分割和阻塞自然行洪通道,且地势低洼处洪水易蓄难排,而高海拔地区扩张会加快汇流缩短下游洪峰时间,导致区域水文安全隐患和内涝事件频发。
Concerns regarding urbanization impacts on floods gradually moved from end-of-pipe solutions, based on open channel hydraulics improvement, to imperviousness ratio limiting and then to land use control and to integrated planning at local and large scale levels. The Niushou River basin is one of the fastest urbanizing areas in Nanjing City, East China, however, the high urban land percentage has leaded to series of flooding events. The paper aims to reveal the impact of imperviousness ratio, patterns and drainage system on flooding areas based on the unit of catchment and Storm Water Management Model(SWMM). The following conclusions were reached. 1) The ratio or spatial characteristics of the impervious surface affected the runoff volumes and associated floods areas. Despite the well-established drainage system, the high imperviousness ratio, particularly clustered pattern in locations such as hydrological sensitive zones aggravated the flooding tension across the basin. 2) The poor drainage hydraulic efficiency in local areas, and the lack of integral processes of infiltration, yield, storage and discharge in local catchment and larger basin are also significant factors. 3) The Niushou River basin development should improve the drainage transformations from a single local, short-term drainage process into integral, elastic processes of infiltration, yield, storage, and discharge.