Stereo synthetic aperture radar (SAR) geolocation model is an important geolocation model for spaceborne SAR. However, the error of stereo SAR geolocation model has not been analyzed in detail. This paper deduced the geolocation error formulas of the stereo SAR geolocation model and then compared the geolocation error with range Doppler (RD) geolocation model. Through computer simulation, we could get the advantages and disadvantages of the stereo SAR geolocation model.
Radar cross section (RCS) of non-sphericai raindrops is calculated by using the software CST based on finite integral method and compared with RCS of spherical raindrops. The revised factor of non-spherical raindrops is obtained. The radar reflectivity with precipitation change of four distribution models of M-P, Gamma, JD and JT combining the revised factor is gotten using trapezoidal integration. When the infuence of non-spherical raindrops is considered, the accuracy of precipitation measurement of four distribution models can be separately improved 8.77%, 8.47%, 10.53% and 8.04% in the case of rain intensity is 100 mm/h.
提出一种新型降雨反演算法,该算法是对沃尔塔积分方程(Volterra integral equation,VIE)降雨反演算法的改进.首先,对雷达接收到的回波数据进行预处理,得到降雨起点和降雨宽度等信息;然后,仅利用沃尔塔积分反演算法处理少量特定区域,通过深度挖掘数据变化的规律来分析得出降雨分布的类型和降雨速率;最后,根据通常研究对象的分布对称性,结合已经获得的信息反演得到整个区域的降雨分布情况.通过仿真结果可知,该算法高效、计算速度快,并且具有较高的精度.