This study investigated and simulated land use patterns in Beijing for the year 2000 and the year 2005 from the actual land use data for the year 1995 and the year 2000,respectively,by combining spatial land allocation simulation using the CLUE-S model,and numerical land demand prediction using the Markov model.The simulations for 2000 and 2005 were confirmed to be generally accurate using Kappa indices.Then the land-use scenarios for Beijing in 2015 were simulated assuming two modes of development:1) urban development following existing trends;and 2) under a strict farmland control.The simulations suggested that under either mode,urbanized areas would expand at the expense of land for other uses.This expansion was predicted to dominate the land-use conversions between 2005 and 2015,and was expected to be accompanied by an extensive loss of farmland.The key susceptible to land-use changes were found to be located at the central urban Beijing and the surrounding regions including Yanqing County,Changping District and Fangshan District.Also,the simulations predicted a considerable expansion of urban/suburban areas in the mountainous regions of Beijing,suggesting a need for priority monitoring and protection.
定量评估生态移民工程对农户收入的影响,可为生态移民工程的实施效果评价、完善移民政策提供决策依据。该文以广西环江县30个移民安置屯281户农户为研究对象,采用参与性农户评估方法(PRA,participatory rural appraisal),收集迁入区农户在工程实施前后收入及其组成结构的变化数据,根据研究需要将调查农户分为移民和原驻民,利用倍差法(DID,difference in differences)分析了生态移民工程对迁入区农户收入及收入结构的影响。结果表明,移民农户的收入水平比搬迁前有较为明显的提高,1996-2011年,家庭总收入的年增长率达26.02%,此外,种植业、林业及非农收入也呈现不同程度的增长趋势。与安置区原驻民相比,移民的各项收入总量仍然偏低,除其他非农收入外,生态移民工程对移民各项收入的影响呈负效应,耕地、林地等土地资源占有量的不均衡是原因之一。因此,要保障生态移民工程实施的可持续性,应加强工程实施效果的跟踪评价,加快迁入区土地再分配与确权制度研究,促进移民与原驻民生计的协同发展。