A discrete sequential tunneling model is used for studying the influence of the doping density on the dynamical behaviors in weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices. Driven by the DC bias, the system exhibits self- sustained current oscillations induced by the period motion of the unstable electric field domain, and an electrical hysteresis in the loop of current density voltage curve is deduced. It is found that the hysteresis range strongly depends on the doping density, and the width of the hysteresis loop increases with increasing the doping density. By adding an external driving ac voltage, more complicated nonlinear behaviors are observed including quasi- periodicity, period-3, and the route of an inverse period-doubling to chaos when the driving frequency changes.
The electronic and optical properties of graphene monoxide,a new type of semiconductor material,are theoretically studied by first-principles density functional theory.The calculated band structure shows that graphene monoxide is a semiconductor with a direct band gap of 0.95 eV.The density of states of graphene monoxide and the partial density of states for C and O are given to understand the electronic structure.In addition,we calculate the optical properties of graphene monoxide,including the complex dielectric function,absorption coefficient, complex refractive index,loss-function,reflectivity and conductivity.These results provide a physical basis for potential application in optoelectronic devices.
A scheme is proposed for detection of the topology in the one-dimensional Afeck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model,based on ultracold spinor atomic gas in an optical lattice.For this purpose,a global operation O(θ)is introduced with respect to the breaking of spinrotational symmetry.Consequently,the topology can be manifested unambiguously by identifying the special values ofθwhere the expectation value of the global operator with degenerate ground states is vanishing.Furthermore,experimentallyθcan be detected readily by the interference of ultracold atomic gases.This scheme can be implemented readily in experiment since it does not need the addressing of individual atoms or the probing of a boundary.