首先介绍了LPIND(Lateral Positive-Intrinsic-Negative Diode)及其在硅基等离子天线方面的应用,并对LPIND进行建模,仿真分析了不同SOI(Silicon On Insulator)埋层材料对LPIND本征区载流子浓度的影响,仿真结果显示,LPIND的自加热效应会降低本征区载流子浓度,通过改变埋层材料,增加埋层的热导率,可以减弱自加热效应。其次给出了LPIND本征区电导率的仿真结果,完成了基于LPIND的半波偶极子天线的设计与仿真,仿真结果显示,本征区电导率和硅衬底厚度会影响天线的回波损耗(S11)。最后总结了降低LPIND静态功耗的有效设计方法。
为了消除图像中不同浓度椒盐噪声,提出了1种能快速有效滤除椒盐噪声的新型迭代自适应滤波算法.首先,将极值点(0或者255)认定为可疑噪声.其次,通过极值点在邻域内8个方向上的差异与1个阈值比较,确定最后的噪声集,并极小化误检率和保护图像边缘细节.最后,用提出的迭代自适应滤波算法滤除噪声点.仿真结果表明,在各种噪声密度下,算法都能快速有效滤除椒盐噪声.即使在噪声密度达到90%的情况下,该算法的峰值信噪比PSNR也能达到26.43 d B,且边缘细节能得到很好的保护.
A direction-based adaptive switching(DBAS) filter is presented for the removal of high-density impulse noise in images. The extrema detection and 28-directional detection are employed to discriminate the pixels as noisy or noise-free. If a pixel is classified as noisy, it will be replaced by a median or a mean value within an adaptive filter window with respect to different noise densities. Simulation results show that the miss-detection ratio and false-alarm ratio are both very low even at noise level as high as 90%. At the same time, better results are obtained in terms of the qualitative and quantitative measures. The peak signal-to-noise ratios increase by nearly 1 dB compared with other existing algorithms. In addition, the computation time is around 10 s for test images with resolutions of 512×512since the proposed approach has low complexity.
A novel adaptive switching filter(ASF) based on directional detection is proposed for denoising the images that are highly corrupted by impulse noise. The proposed algorithm employs an efficient noise detection mechanism. It first employs an efficient method to estimate the differences between the current pixel and its neighbors aligned with 28 directions. The current noise pixel is replaced by a median or a mean value within an adaptive filter window with respect to different noise densities. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can not only achieve very low miss-detection ratio and false-alarm ratio even up to high noise corruption, but also preserve the detailed information of an image very well.