Recrystallization of 3-n itro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one(NTO) in co-solvent of water and N-m ethyl-2-pyrroli-done(NMP) was perform anced and NTO spheroid ic partic les w ith the size of 180 m icrons were obtained under rap id cooling and torrential stirring etc.SEM im ages showed that the spheroid ic partic les were rounded,dense,compact,and had no cavities.XRD curves revealed thatNTO speroid ic partic les had the sam e d iffraction angles as raw partic les wh ile the crystallin ity integrality de-creased rem arkab ly.SEM im ages of the cross section showed that the partic les were composed of need les w ith d iam eter of several m icrons that arranged rad ially outward from the center.