We discuss the production of ηc (2S) through the process e+e- -→γηc (2S), where the leading contributionoriginates from l-loop electroweak corrections. Adopting some reasonable light-cone distribution amplitudes, we analyze the cross section of this process. As the electron-positron center of mass energy √s=3770 MeV, the typicalproduction cross section of this process is about 1 fb.
We analyze the cross section of e + e-→τ + μ-within the frameworks of SM and its Z extension.The theoretical prediction of the SM on the total cross section is suppressed by the tiny neutrino masses.On the other hand,the contributions from Z to the cross section are enhanced drastically because of the tree level FCNC couplings among Z and leptons.
Applying an effective Lagrangian method and an on-shell scheme, we analyze the electroweak corrections to the rare decay b→, s+γ from some special two loop diagrams in which a closed heavy fermion loop is attached to the virtual charged gauge bosons or Higgs. At the decoupling limit where the virtual fermions in the inner loop are much heavier than the electroweak scale, we verify the final results satisfying the decoupling theorem explicitly when the interactions among Higgs and heavy fermions do not contain the nondecoupling couplings. Adopting the universal assumptions on the relevant couplings and mass spectrum of new physics, we find that the relative corrections from those two loop diagrams to the SM theoretical prediction on the branching ratio of B → Xsγ can reach 5% as the energy scale of new physics ANp=200 GeV.