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  • 2篇2014
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Geochemical processes and origin of boron isotopes in geothermal water in the Yunnan-Tibet geothermal zone被引量:11
Boron concentrations and isotope compositions have been measured for 93 water samples from the hot springs and drill-holes in the geothermal system in the Yunnan-Tibet Geothermal Belt(YTGB),China.Boron concentrations range from 0.036–472.4ppm,and theδ11B values range from -16.0‰to 13.1‰,indicating the non-marine origin for each geothermal system.We observed a clear binary mixing relationship between the B concentrations and B isotope compositions in Tibet geothermal area.This relationship can be well explained by two sources,i.e.,marine carbonate rocks and magmatic rocks,for the Tibet geothermal water.No evidence supports a mantle contribution to B.In addition,we found that the precipitation only plays a dilution role for B of geothermal waters.δ11B values for the precipitation across the southern Tibetan Plateau area range from -6.0‰ to -6.8‰at least.Due to data scarcity in Yunnan geothermal area,we observed possible different boron sources from the Tibet geothermal system.Comparing it with other geothermal systems in the world,we found that the samples from YTGB have the lowestδ11B values and the largest range of B concentration,which might be related to their special geological background.On the whole,the world geothermalδ11B-Cl/B relation suggests a mixing process between marine and non-marine sources.Additionally,we suggest that B source of B-enriched geothermal waters is mainly from B-enriched crustal country-rocks,instead of mantle.
Lü YuanYuanZHENG MianPingZHAO PingXU RongHua
Geomorphometric Features of the Alluvial Fans around the Chaka-Qinghai Lake in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau被引量:2
This article aims to study the geomorpometric features of alluvial fans since they act as a small-scale geomorphic unit response to tectonics and climate changes around the Chaka-Qinghai Lake area in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. We quantitatively extracted geomorphic parameters, such as the surface area and slope of alluvial fans adjacent to the Qinghai Nan Shan and Ela Shan. Alluvial fans in the Chaka Lake partition area, south of the Qinghai Nan Shan, are featured by a small area and short length, but the largest slope. Geomorphic parameters of the alluvial fans in Ela Shan area are in- termediate in size, and the alluvial fans in the Qinghai Lake partition area north of Qinghai Nan Shan have the gentlest slope. Together with the regional faulting activity analysis, we suggest that the alluvial fans with the high slopes in the south of Qinghai Nan Shan are mainly controlled by the reverse faulting along the Qinghai Nan Shan faults, and the strike-slip movement of the Eia Shan fault zone plays a weak role. In contrast, due to the lack of active faults, the alluvial fans near the Qinghai Lake area north of the Qinghai Nan Shan only respond to regional erosion, transportation, and deposition proc- esses, thereby forming relatively gentle geomorphic units.
Huiping ZhangYuanyuan Lü