In this paper, we study the constants in a version of Rosenthal’s inequality for locally square integrable martingales. We prove that the order of growth rates of the constants is the same as in the case of discrete time martingales.
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) theorem asserts that there is a set of mutually commuting nonlocal observables with a common eigenstate on which those observables assume values that refute the attempt to assign values only required to have them by the local realism of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR). It is known that for a three-qubit system, there is only one form of the GHZ-Mermin-like argument with equivalence up to a local unitary transformation, which is exactly Mermin's version of the GHZ theorem. This article for a four-qubit system, which was originally studied by GHZ, the authors show that there are nine distinct forms of the GHZ-Mermin-like argument. The proof is obtained using certain geometric invariants to characterize the sets of mutually commuting nonlocal spin observables on the four-qubit system. It is proved that there are at most nine elements (except for a different sign) in a set of mutually commuting nonlocal spin observables in the four-qubit system, and each GHZ-Mermin-like argument involves a set of at least five mutually commuting four-qubit nonlocal spin observables witha GHZ state as a common eigenstate in GHZ's theorem. Therefore, we present a complete construction of the GHZ theorem for the four-qubit system.
In this article, we consider the dynamics of N two-dimensional boson systems interacting through a pair potential N-1Va(xi -xj) where Va(x) = a^-2V(x/a). It is well known that the Cross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation is a nonlinear SchrSdinger equation and the GP hierarchy is an infinite BBGKY hierarchy of equations so that if ut solves the GP equation, then the family of k-particle density matrices { k ut, k≥1} solves the GP hierarchy. Denote by ψN,t the solution to the N-particle Schrodinger equation. Under the assumption that a = N^-ε for 0 〈 ε 〈 3/4, we prove that as N→∞ the limit points of the k-particle density matrices of CN,t are solutions of the GP hierarchy with the coupling constant in the nonlinear term of the GP equation given by f V(x) dx.