In this paper,a method with an eye-in-hand configuration is developed to hit targets during visual tracking for the TLS(Tele-Light Saber) game.It is not necessary to calibrate camera parameters and predict the trajectory of the moving object.Firstly,the expression of the image Jacobian matrix for the eye-in-hand configuration is proposed,and then an update law is designed to estimate the image Jacobian online.Furthermore,a control scheme is presented and the Lyapunov method is employed to prove asymptotic convergence of image errors.No assumption for the moving objects is needed.Finally,both simulation and experimental results are shown to support the approach in this paper.
In this paper,a method combining perspective-n-point(PnP) and novel iteration algorithm is developed to measure the pose of a target in high precision for Tele-LightSaber game.The PnP algorithm is used to obtain a rough pose,which is taken as the initial value of the iteration algorithm.The iteration algorithm utilizes the unit quaternions to represent the rotations.Then the result is optimized with Kalman filter.Considering the real-time and accuracy of the pose measurement,a fast feature extraction algorithm including object location,edge detection and corner detection is adopted to get the corners in high precision.The experiments and results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.