An improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is investigated in the optimization of the attitude controller parameters of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Considering the stagnation phenomenon in the later phase of the basic PSO algorithm caused by the diversity scarcity of particles, a modified PSO algorithm is presented. For the basic PSO algorithm, the velocity of each particle is adjusted according to the inertia motion, the swarm previous best position and its own previous best position. However, in the improved PSO algorithm, each particle only learns from another randomly selected particle with higher performance, besides keeping the inertia motion. The inertia weight of the improved PSO algorithm is a random number. The modification decreases the uncertain parameters of the algorithm, simplifies the learning mechanism of the particle, and enhances the diversity of the swarm. Furthermore, a UAV attitude control system is built, and the improved PSO algorithm is applied in the optimized tuning of four controller parameters. Simulation results show that the improved PSO algorithm has stronger global searching ability than the common PSO algorithms, and obtains better UAV attitude control parameters.