针对提高航空发动机系统安全性的迫切需求,以发动机本质特征和探索性研究成果为依据,分析了寿命限制件工作边界系统级分析模型(systematic model for engine life limited parts operating boundary analysis,SMELLIPOBA)的必要属性及各属性对应的技术基础,总结了相关技术基础领域的研究进展,介绍了SMELLI-POBA的发展现状,展望了这一领域未来研究方向.得出如下结论:满足适航性设计需求的SMELLIPOBA需具备耦合性、动态性、不确定性、学科交叉、多尺度等属性,未来SMELLIPOBA的发展仍将以上述属性为主线.
Stable operation of aircraft engine compressions is constrained by rotating surge. In this paper, an approximate nonlinear surge margin model of aircraft engine compression system by using equilibrium manifold is presented. Firstly, this paper gives an overview of the current state of modeling aerodynamic flow instabilities in engine compressors. Secondly, the expansion form of equilibrium manifold is introduced, and the choosing scheduling variable method is discussed. Then, this paper also gives the identification procedure of modeling the approximate nonlinear model. Finally, the modeling and simulations with high pressure (liP) compressor surge margin of the aircraft engine show that this real-time model has the same accuracy with the thermody- namic model, but has simpler structure and shorter computation time.