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作品数:4 被引量:1H指数:1


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇理学
  • 1篇一般工业技术


  • 1篇STUDY
  • 1篇ZIGZAG
  • 1篇ANALYT...
  • 1篇ANOMAL...
  • 1篇BANDS
  • 1篇CAUSED
  • 1篇CRYSTA...
  • 1篇DIRAC
  • 1篇DOPING
  • 1篇LOW
  • 1篇METHOD
  • 1篇N
  • 1篇PERMIS...
  • 1篇TOPOLO...
  • 1篇SEMIME...
  • 1篇HOLLOW
  • 1篇DECORA...
  • 1篇GRAPHE...


  • 4篇Chines...


  • 2篇2016
  • 1篇2015
  • 1篇2012
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Surface states in crystals with low-index surfaces
For most of the conventional crystals with low-index surfaces, the hopping between the nearest neighbor (1NN) crystal planes (CPs) is dominant and the ones from the nNN (2 〈 n 〈 ∞) CPs are relatively weak, considered as small perturbations. The recent theoretical analysisIll has demonstrated the absence of surface states at the level of the hopping approximation between the INN CPs when the original infinite crystal has the geometric reflection symmetry (GRS) for each CP. Meanwhile, based on the perturbation theory, it has also been shown that small perturbations from the hopping between the nNN (2 〈 n 〈 ∞) CPs and surface relaxation have no impact on the above conclusion. However, for the crystals with strong intrinsic spin-orbit coupling (SOC), the dominant terms of intrinsic SOC associate with two INN bond hoppings. Thus SOC will significantly contribute the hoppings from the INN and/or 2NN CPs except the ones within each CP. Here, we will study the effect of the hopping between the 2NN CPs on the surface states in model crystals with three different type structures (Type I: “……P-P-P-P……”, Type II: “……-P-Q-P-Q……” and Type III:“……P=Q-P=Q……” where P and Q indicate CPs and the signs “-” and “=” mark the distance between the INN CPs). In terms of analytical and numerical calculations, we study the behavior of surface states in three types after the symmetric/asymmetric hopping from the 2NN CPs is added. We analytically prove that the symmetric hopping from the 2NN CPs cannot induce surface states in Type I when each CP has only one electron mode. The numerical calculations also provide strong support for the conclusion, even up to 5NN. However, in general, the coupling from the 2NN CPs (symmetric and asymmetric) is favorable to generate surface states except Type I with single electron mode only.
Unexpected low thermal conductivity and large power factor in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2被引量:1
Thermoelectrics has long been considered as a promising way of power generation for the next decades. So far, extensive efforts have been devoted to the search of ideal thermoelectric materials, which require both high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity. Recently, the emerging Dirac semimetal Cd3As2, a three-dimensional analogue of graphene, has been reported to host ultra-high mobility and good electrical conductivity as metals. Here, we report the observation of unexpected low thermal conductivity in Cd3As2, one order of magnitude lower than the conventional metals or semimetals with a similar electrical conductivity, despite the semimetal band structure and high electron mobility. The power factor also reaches a large value of 1.58 mW.m 1 .K-2 at room temperature and remains non-saturated up to 400 K. Corroborating with the first-principles calculations, we find that the thermoelectric performance can be well-modulated by the carrier concentration in a wide range. This work demonstrates the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 as a potential candidate of thermoelectric materials.
Analytical study of surface states caused by the edge decoration
Analytical studies of the effect of edge decoration on the energy spectrum of semi-infinite one-dimensional (1D) model and zigzag edged graphene (ZEG) are presented by means of transfer matrix method, in the frame of which the conditions for the existence of edge states are determined. For 1D model, the zero-energy surface state occurs regardless of whether the decorations exist or not, while the non-zero-energy surface states can be induced and manipulated through adjusting the edge decoration. On the other hand, the case for the semi-infinite ZEG model with nearestneighbour interaction is discussed in the analogous way. The non-zero-energy surface states can be induced by the edge decoration and moreover, the ratio between the edge hopping and the bulk hopping amplitudes should be within a certain threshold.
Zhao Yuan-YuanLi WeiTao Rui-Bao
Quantum anomalous Hall effect in real materials
Under a strong magnetic field,the quantum Hall(QH) effect can be observed in two-dimensional electronic gas systems.If the quantized Hall conductivity is acquired in a system without the need of an external magnetic field,then it will give rise to a new quantum state,the quantum anomalous Hall(QAH) state.The QAH state is a novel quantum state that is insulating in the bulk but exhibits unique conducting edge states topologically protected from backscattering and holds great potential for applications in low-power-consumption electronics.The realization of the QAH effect in real materials is of great significance.In this paper,we systematically review the theoretical proposals that have been brought forward to realize the QAH effect in various real material systems or structures,including magnetically doped topological insulators,graphene-based systems,silicene-based systems,two-dimensional organometallic frameworks,quantum wells,and functionalized Sb(111) monolayers,etc.Our paper can help our readers to quickly grasp the recent developments in this field.