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作品数:13 被引量:5H指数:1


  • 13篇中文期刊文章


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  • 4篇理学
  • 2篇机械工程
  • 2篇自动化与计算...


  • 5篇HL
  • 4篇HLS
  • 3篇OPTIMI...
  • 3篇INSTAB...
  • 3篇CAVITY
  • 2篇PARTIC...
  • 2篇EMITTA...
  • 2篇INSTAB...
  • 2篇LATTIC...
  • 2篇S-
  • 2篇BUNCH
  • 1篇电子储存环
  • 1篇电子直线加速...
  • 1篇直线加速器
  • 1篇脉冲
  • 1篇加速器
  • 1篇国家同步辐射...
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  • 1篇核设施退役
  • 1篇放射性测量


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  • 1篇李为民
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  • 1篇2016
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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Broadband impedance calculations and single bunch instabilities estimations of of the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
The upgrade project of the Hefei Light Source storage ring is under way. In this paper, the broadband impedances of resistive wall and coated ceramic vacuum chamber are calculated using the analytic formula, and the wake fields and impedances of other designed vacuum chambers are simulated by CST code, and then a broadband impedance model is obtained. Using the theoretical formula, longitudinal and transverse single bunch instabilities are discussed. With the carefully-designed vacuum chamber, we find that the thresholds of the beam instabilities are higher than the beam current goal.
Design and optimization of a longitudinal feedback kicker cavity for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
In the Hefei Light Source (HLS) storage ring, multibunch operation is used to obtain a high luminosity. Multibunch instabilities can severely limit light source performance with a variety of negative impacts, including beam loss, low injection efficiency, and overall degradation of the beam quality. Instabilities of a multibunch beam can be mitigated using certain techniques including increasing natural damping (operating at a higher energy), lowering the beam current, and increasing Landau damping. However, these methods are not adequate to stabilize a multibunch electron beam at a low energy and with a high current. In order to combat beam instabilities in the HLS storage ring, active feedback systems including a longitudinal feedback system (LFB) and a transverse feedback system (TFB) will be developed as part of the HLS upgrade project, the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring project. As a key component of the longitudinal bunch-by-bunch feedback system, an LFB kicker cavity with a wide bandwidth and high shunt impedance is required. In this paper we report our work on the design of the LFB kicker cavity for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring and present the new tuning and optimization techniques developed in designing this high performance LFB kicker.
脉冲多极磁铁注入方法是近年来储存环上新兴的一种束流注入方案,具有注入元件少和对储存束流扰动小等优点。本文研究了在合肥光源(Hefei Light Source,HLS)上储存环采用单块脉冲八极磁铁实现束流注入的设计方案。通过物理过程推导和计算,在储存环上选择合适的八极磁铁的安装位置,初步确定相应的磁铁参数。对注入过程进行跟踪模拟,结果验证了注入束流的存活效率较高,对于储存束流的扰动比脉冲四极磁铁和脉冲六极磁铁注入方法更小,证明了在HLS上采用单块脉冲八极磁铁完成注入过程是可行的。
Optimization of magnet sorting in a storage ring using genetic algorithms
In this paper, the genetic algorithms are applied to the optimization problem of magnet sorting in an electron storage ring, according to which the objectives are set so that the closed orbit distortion and beta beating can be minimized and the dynamic aperture maximized. The sorting of dipole, quadrupole and sextupole magnets is optimized while the optimization results show the power of the application of genetic algorithms in magnet sorting.
Lattice study for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
The Hefei Light Source (HLS) is undergoing a major upgrade project, named HLS-Ⅱ , in order to obtain lower emittance and more insertion device straight sections. Undulators are the main insertion devices in the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring. In this paper, based on the database of lattice parameters built for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring obtained by the global scan method, we use the quantity related to the undulator radiation brightness to more directly search for high brightness lattices. Lattice solutions for achromatic and non-achromatic modes are easily found with lower emittance, smaller beta functions at the center of the insertion device straight sections and lower dispersion in non-zero dispersion straight sections compared with the previous lattice solutions. In this paper, the superperiod lattice with alternating high and low horizontal beta functions in long straight sections for the achromatic mode is studied using the multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm.
Analytic modeling of instabilities driven by higher-order modes in the HLS Ⅱ RF system with a higher-harmonic cavity
The utility of a passive fourth-harmonic cavity plays a key role in suppressing longitudinal beam insta- bilities in the electron storage ring and lengthens the bunch by a factor of 2.6 for the phase I[ project of the Hefei Light Source (HLS II ). Meanwhile, instabilities driven by higher-order modes (HOM) may limit the performance of the higher-harmonic cavity. In this paper, the parasitic coupled-bunch instability, which is driven by narrow band parasitic modes, and the microwave instability, which is driven by broadband HOM, are both modeled analytically. The analytic modeling results are in good agreement with those of our previous simulation study and indicate that the passive fourth-harmonic cavity suppresses parasitic coupled-bunch instabilities and microwave instability. The modeling suggests that a fourth-harmonic cavity may be successfully used at the HLS II.
Simulation of beam gas coulomb scattering in HALS
In conventional research on beam gas coulomb scattering (BGCS), only the related beam lifetime using the analytical method is studied. In this paper, using the particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collisions (PIC-MCC) method, we not only simulated the beam lifetime but also explored the effect of BGCS on the beam distribution. In order to better estimate the effect on particle distribution, we study the ultra-low emittance electron beam. Here we choose the HeFei Advanced Light Source. By counting the lost particles in a certain time, the corresponding beam lifetime we simulated is 4.8482 h/13.8492 h in x/y, which is very close to the theoretic value (5.0555 h/13.7024 h in x/y). By counting the lost particles relative to the collided particles, the simulated value of the loss probability of collided particles is 1.3431e-04, which is also very close to the theoretical value (1.3824e-04). Besides, the simulation shows there is a tail in the transverse distribution due to the BGCS. The close match of the simulation with the theoretic value in beam lifetime and loss probability indicates our simulation is reliable.
Theoretical analysis of BLM system for HLS Ⅱ
Hefei Light Source (HLS) is being upgraded to HLS Ⅱ. Its emittance will be much lower than before, therefore the Touschek scattering will increase significantly and become the dominant factor of beam loss. So it is necessary to build a new beam loss monitoring (BLM) system that, in contrast to the old one, is able to obtain the quantity and position information of lost electrons. This information is useful in the commissioning, troubleshooting, and beam lifetime studying for HLS Ⅱ. This paper analyzes the distribution features of different kinds of lost electrons, introduces the operation parameters of the new machine and discusses how to choose proper monitoring positions. Based on these comprehensive analyses, a new BLM system for HLS Ⅱ is proposed.
Lattice optimization for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring被引量:3
The upgrade project of the Hefei Light Source (HLS), named HLS-Ⅱ, is under way, whose storage ring will be reconstructed. The HLS-Ⅱ storage ring has lower emittance and more straight sections available for insertion devices compared with the present HLS storage ring. The scan method is applied to the linear lattice optimization for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring to get thorough information about the lattice. To reduce the computation amount, several scans with different grid spacing values are conducted. And, the calculation of the chromatic sextupole strength for the achromatic mode is included in the scan, which is useful for nonlinear lattice optimization. To better analyze the obtained solutions in the scan, the lattice properties and the variables of quadrupole strengths are statistically analyzed. And, the process of selecting solutions is described in detail, including the choice of the working point, the settings for the emittance and optical functions, and the restriction of maximum magnet strength. Two obtained lattices, one for the achromatic mode and the other for the non-achromatic mode, are presented, including their optical functions and optimized dynamic apertures.
Decommissioning analysis of the scrapers in the NSRL Linac using depth profiling被引量:1
For a high-energy electron facility, estimates of induced radioactivity in materials are of considerable importance to ensure that the exposure of personnel and the environment remains as low as reasonably achievable. In addition, accurate predictions of induced radioactivity are essential to the design, operation, and decommissioning of a high-energy electron linear accelerator. In the case of the 200-MeV electron linac of the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory(NSRL), the electrons are accelerated by five acceleration tubes and collimated by copper scrapers. The scrapers, which play a vital role in protecting the acceleration cavity, are bombarded by many electrons over a long-term operation, which causes a significant amount of induced radioactivity. Recently, the NSRL Linac is the first high-energy electron linear accelerator in China to be out of commission.Its decommissioning is highly significant for obtaining decommissioning experience. This paper focuses on the measurement of induced radioactivity on the fourth scraper, where the electron energy was 158 MeV. The radionuclides were classified according to their half-lives. Such a classification provides a reliable basis for the formulation of radiation protection and facility decommissioning. To determine the high-radioactivity area and to facilitate the decommissioning process, the slicing method was applied in this study. The specific activity of60 Co in each slice was measured at a cooling time of ten months, and the results were compared with the predictions generated by Monte Carlo program FLUKA. The trend of the measured results is in good agreement with the normalized simulation results. The slicing simulation using Monte Carlo method is useful for the determination of high-radiation areas and proper material handling protocols and, therefore, lays a foundation for the accumulation of decommissioning experience.