Dual harmonic systems have been widely used in high intensity proton synchrotrons to suppress the space charge effect, as well as reduce the beam loss. To investigate the longitudinal beam dynamics in a dual rf system, the potential well, the sub-buckets in the bunch and the multi-solutions of the phase equation are studied theoretically in this paper. Based on these theoretical studies, optimization of bunching factor and rf voltage waveform are made for the dual harmonic rf system in the upgrade phase of the China Spallation Neutron Source Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (CSNS/RCS). In the optimization process, the simulation with space charge effect is done using a newly developed code. C-SCSIM.
Electron cloud interaction with high energy positive beams are believed responsible for various undesirable effects such as vacuum degradation, collective beam instability and even beam loss in high power proton circular accelerators. An important uncertainty in predicting electron cloud instability lies in the detailed processes of the generation and accumulation of the electron cloud. The simulation on the build-up of electron cloud is necessary to further studies on beam instability caused by electron clouds. The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is an intense proton accelerator facility now being built, whose accelerator complex includes two main parts: an H-linac and a rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS). The RCS accumulates the 80 MeV proton beam and accelerates it to 1.6 GeV with a repetition rate of 25 Hz. During beam injection with lower energy, the emerging electron cloud may cause serious instability and beam loss on the vacuum pipe. A simulation code has been developed to simulate the build-up, distribution and density of electron cloud in CSNS/RCS.
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) accelerators consist of a low energy H linac and a high energy proton Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS). The proton beam is accumulated in the RCS and accelerated from 80MeV to 1.6GeV with a repetition of 25Hz. Independent component analysis (ICA) is a robust method for processing the collected data (samples) recorded by the turn-by-turn beam position monitor (BPM), which was recently applied to the accelerator. The samples are decomposed to source signals, or the so-called independent components, which correspond to the inherent motion of samples, such as betatron motion and synchrotron motion. A study on the application of the ICA method to CSNS/RCS has been made. It shows that the beta function, phase advance, and dispersion can be well reconstructed by using ICA in CSNS/RCS. The effects of BPM errors on the ICA results are also studied. By comparing the different solving methods in ICA, the so-called SOBI has more advantages for isolating the independent components on the application of ICA to CSNS/RCS. Beam emittance dilution in the process of exciting the turn-by-turn samples is considered,and thus an RF kicker is adopted to avoid such emittance growth.
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) uses H- stripping and phase space painting metnocl co fill a large ring acceptance with a small emittance linac beam. The dependence of the painting beam on the injection beam parameters was studied for the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS). The simulation study was done for injection with different momentum spreads, different rms emittances of the injection beam, and different matching conditions. Then, the beam loss, 99% and rms emittances were obtained, and the optimized injection beam parameters were given. The interaction between H- beam and stripping foil was studied, and the effect of foil scattering was simulated. The stripping efficiency was calculated and the suitable thickness of stripping foil was obtained. In addition, the energy deposition on the foil and the beam loss due to the foil scattering were also studied.
The China Spallation Neutron Source/Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (CSNS/RCS) accelerates a high-intensity proton beam from 80 MeV to 1.6 GeV. Since the beam current and beam power is high, the beam loading is a severe problem for the stability of the circulating beam in the RCS. To study the beam loading effect in the CSNS/RCS theoretically, the RLC circuit model of the rf cavity, the method of Fast Fourier Transform and the method of Laplace transform have been employed to obtain the impedance of the rf system, the beam spectrum and the beam-induced voltage, respectively. Based on these physical models, the beam dynamics equations have been revised and a beam loading model has been constructed in the simulation code ORIENT. By using the code, the beam loading effect on the rf system of the CSNS/RCS has been investigated. Some simulation results have been obtained and conclusions have been drawn.
Both longitudinal and transverse coupling impedance for some critical components need to be measured for accelerator design. The twin wires method is widely used to measure longitudinal and transverse impedance on the bench. A mode error is induced when the twin wires method is used with a two-port network analyzer. Here, the mode error is analyzed theoretically and an example analysis is given. Moreover, the mode error in the measurement is a few percent when a hybrid with no less than 25 dB isolation and a splitter with no less than 20 dB magnitude error are used.
The fast extraction kicker system is one of the most important accelerator components and the main source of impedance in the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source. It is necessary to understand the kicker impedance before its installation into the tunnel. Conventional and improved wire methods are employed in the impedance measurement. The experimental results for the kicker impedance are explained by comparison with simulation using CST PARTICLE STUDIO. The simulation and measurement results confirm that the window-frame ferrite geometry and the end plate are the important structures causing coupling impedance. It is proved in the measurements that the mismatching from the power form network to the kicker leads to a serious oscillation sideband of the longitudinal and vertical impedance and the oscillation can be reduced by ferrite absorbing material.