We give a new and simple compactness condition for composition operators on BMOA,the space of all analytic functions of the bounded mean oscillation on the unit disk.Using our results one may immediately obtain that compactness of a composition operator on BMOA implies its compactness on the Bloch space as well as on the Hardy space.Similar results on VMOA are also given.
Let f be a holomorphic function on the unit polydisc Dn,with Taylor expansion f(z) = ∞ |k|=0 akzk ≡∞ (k1+···+kn=0) (ak1,···,kn zk1 1znkn)where k = (k1, , kn) ∈ Z+n. The authors define generalized Hilbert operator on Dn by Hγ,n(f)(z) = ∞ |k|=0 i1,···,in≥0 ai1,···,in n j=1 Γ(γj + kj + 1)Γ(kj + ij + 1) Γ(kj + 1)Γ(kj + ij + γj + 2) zk,where γ∈ Cn, such that R γj > -1, j = 1, 2, , n. An upper bound for the norm of the operator on Hardy spaces Hp(Dn) is found. The authors also present a Fejér-Riesz type inequalit...
The author gives a mild integral condition in a nondecreasing function K : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), which is sufficient and the best possible to ensure that f is a Bloch function if and only if f belongs to QK, a Mbius-invariant space of functions analytic in the unit disk. Their contributions are slight improvements of known results, and the proofs presented here are independently developed. The corresponding results for meromorphic case are also given.
If f(z) =Σ∞ n=0 anzn and g(z) =Σ∞n=0bnzn for functions f, g are analytic in the unit disc, the Hadamard products of f and g is defined by f * g = ∞ n=0 a n b n z n . In this paper, the Lipschitz spaces Λ(s, α) and QK type spaces are studied in terms of the Hadamard products.
LI Hao 1 , WULAN Hasi 1, & ZHOU JiZhen 1,2 1 Department of Mathematics, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, China
Let f be a holomorphic function on the unit polydisc Dn,with Taylor expansion f(z) = ∞ |k|=0 akzk ≡ ∞ (k1+···+kn=0) (ak1,···,kn zk1 1znkn)where k = (k1, , kn) ∈ Z+n. The authors define generalized Hilbert operator on Dn by Hγ,n(f)(z) = ∞ |k|=0 i1,···,in≥0 ai1,···,in n j=1 Γ(γj + kj + 1)Γ(kj + ij + 1) Γ(kj + 1)Γ(kj + ij + γj + 2) zk,where γ ∈ Cn, such that R γj > -1, j = 1, 2, , n. An upper bound for the norm of the operator on Hardy spaces Hp(Dn) is found. The authors also present a Fejér-Riesz type ineq...
The author gives a mild integral condition in a nondecreasing function K : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), which is sufficient and the best possible to ensure that f is a Bloch function if and only if f belongs to QK, a Mbius-invariant space of functions analytic in the unit disk. Their contributions are slight improvements of known results, and the proofs presented here are independently developed. The corresponding results for meromorphic case are also given.