A new model of a quantum heat engine (QHE) cycle is established, in which the working substance consists of an interacting electrons system. One of our purposes is to test the validity of the second law of thermodynamics by this model, which is more general than the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model since it would recover the spin model when the on-site Coulomb interaction U is strong enough. On the basis of quantum mechanics and the first law of thermodynamics, we show no violation of the second law of thermodynamics during the cycle. We further study the performance characteristics of the cycle by investigating in detail the optimal relations of efficiency and dimensionless power output. We find that the efficiency of our engine can be expressed as η = t22/t21 in the large-U limit, which is valid even for a four sites QHE.
Scanning near-field acoustic microscope (SNAM) combines the ultrasonic detection technology with scanning near-field microscopy. The main characteristic of such microscope is that the acoustic wave is produced or detected in near-field area whether ultrasonic transducer acts as generator or detector. The resolution of SNAM can reach to nanometer scale. First, two typical SNAMs, scanning electron acoustic Inicroscope and scanning probe acoustic microscope, will be introduced in this paper. The working principle of our homemade SNAM based on a commercial scanning probe microscope will be reported, together with some recent results from this homemade SNAM.
XU Ping,CAI Wei & WANG RongMing Key Laboratory of Micro-nano Measurement-Manipulation and Physics (Ministry of Education)
Magnetite nanoparticles with different sizes and different assemblies were synthesized via hydrothermal method.Micromagnetic simulation shows the magnetite nanocubes with different sizes have different energy states,which determines the assembly mode.Magnetite nanocubes with the side length of 30-60 nm tended to be dispersed while both nanochains and dispersed nanoparticles were found to grow for the nanocubes with the side length less than 30 nm,which can be explained in the fact that the above two assembly modes have very close energies.The assembly mode of nanocubes with the size bigger than 60 nm is generally nanorings consisting of connected inter-grown nanocubes and the nanocubes are no longer single domain.The simulations are consistent with the experimental results.
Ferromagnetism in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with the next-nearest-neighbor hopping is explored by using the exact-diagonalization method in a small cluster and the equation-of-motion method in the thermodynamic limit with electron density n = 3/2. With these two complementary methods, it is found that an intermediate value of the next-nearest- neighbor hopping amplitude tl tends to stabilize the fully polarized ferromagnetic state under the condition that the on-site coulomb interaction U is sufficiently large in our model. The ground-state phase diagram of the model is presented in the tl-U plane.
In this work,a focused ion beam(FIB)-scanning electron microscopy(SEM) dual beam system was successfully built by integrating a FIB column and a graphics generator onto a SEM.Real-time observation can be realized by SEM during the process of FIB milling.All kinds of graphics at nanoscale regime,such as lines,characters,and pictures,were achieved under the control of graphics generator.Moreover,the FIB milling line width can be reduced nearly 27% by the introduction of simultaneous electron beam,and a line width as small as 10 nm was achieved.The numerical analysis indicates that the significant improvement on line width is induced by the Coulomb interaction between the electrons and ions.
The point defects and their related physical properties in L10 FePt are investigated by molecular dynamics simulations based on an analytic bond-order potential. The calculated results agree well with the experimental value, indicating that the analytic bond-order potential is suitable to describe the structural properties and surface energies of the FePt alloy in the L10 phase. However, the calculated vacancy formation energy of an Fe atom is higher than that of a Pt atom, which disagrees with some other previously calculated results. This result indicates that the analytic bond-order potential is unable to describe the related point defect properties. The analytic bond-order potential needs to be modified in order to study these defect properties of an FePt alloy.
In the present paper,we study the effect of element substitution for quarter-filled nanoclusters of perovskite manganite by introducing Jahn-Teller type of perturbation interaction to the double-exchange Hamiltonian.Using the unrestricted real-space Hartree-Fock approximation method we find that,the Jahn-Teller electron-phonon interaction plays the central role in producing the phase transition from ferromagnetic phase to CE type antiferromagnetic phase.Not only the Jahn-Teller interaction benefits antiferromagnetic correlation,it also increases the charge density order parameter.These theoretical results provide a guidance to predict the properties and modify the composition of particles of perovskite manganite under nano-scale.
WANG HaiLongWANG RongMingWANG YuGangTIAN GuangShan