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作品数:13 被引量:150H指数:4


  • 9篇中文期刊文章


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  • 3篇生物学
  • 2篇医药卫生


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  • 2篇CSFV
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  • 1篇禽流感
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  • 1篇热休克因子
  • 1篇流感
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  • 1篇流行病学
  • 1篇流行病学分析
  • 1篇结合蛋白
  • 1篇晶体学研究
  • 1篇多肽
  • 1篇分离株


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  • 2篇2010
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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
贺晓静周杰Mark Bartlam张荣光马建源娄志勇李雪梅李晶晶Andrzej Joachimiak曾宗浩葛若雯饶子和刘迎芳
Characterization of the Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of the Escherichia Coli Produced RNase Domain of the Classical Swine Fever Virus Glycoprotein E^(rns)
Ems is a highly glycosylated envelope protein of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) with RNase ac- tivity. Ems can induce neutralizing antibodies and provide immune protection against CSFV infection. In this study, the RNase domain of the Ems was produced in Eschenchia coil. Its reactivity with CSFV-positive sera and its ability to induce antibodies and to provide protective immunity were then investigated. The serological tests showed that the prokaryotically expressed RNase domain of the Ems retained its antigenicity and in- duced high titers of humoral responses. However, only partial protection and a limited amount of neutralizing antibodies were demonstrated by an in vitro neutralization test and an immunization/challenge test. The re- sults suggest that other essential factors rather than simply enhancing the immunogenicity of Ems should be taken into consideration when Er"s is enrolled as one of the components of a candidate vaccine.
Molecular epidemiology and evolution of worldwide enterovirus 71 strains isolated from 1970 to 2004被引量:18
Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) is one of the major etiological agents of the hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) that often causes severe neurological complications. Recently,its outbreaks mainly take place in the torrid zone of the Asia-Pacific region. To study the evolution and genetic variability,we collected 532 EV71 strains with almost complete or complete VP1 sequences (891 nt) isolated worldwide from 1970 to 2004. The pairwise homologies and genetic distances were analyzed. Most strains belong to previously identified genotype B and C. However,a unique strain R13223-IND-01 appears not to fall into current three genotypes (A,B and C),and probably represents a new genotype D. Some orphan strains were observed in the genotypes B and C,and their significance in the EV71 evolution was discussed. Moreover,there is a significant co-variance of 6 discrete positions on VP1 (amino acid 43,58,164,184,240 and 249). This high co-variability is tightly related with the subgenotypes.
DONG XiaoNan YING Jian CHEN YingHua
Preliminary Evaluation of a Candidate Multi-Epitope-Vaccine Against the Classical Swine Fever Virus
A multi-epitope-vaccine MEVABc consisting of two linear neutralizing determinants (BCI: aa693-716; A6: aa844-865) located on antigenic unit B/C and unit A of glycoprotein E2 was prepared to evaluate whether a combination strategy is effective in the design of peptide vaccines. After immunization, pig sera collected every one to two weeks were evaluated by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. C-straininduced anti-sera and hyper-immune sera cannot recognize overlapping peptides that cover the E2 N-terminus, while MEVAgC is able to elicit high levels of peptide-specific antibody response. When compared with previously studied peptide vaccines PV-BC1 and PV-A6, the same dose of either component in the MEMABc increases the BC1- or A6-specific antibodies (to 1/3-1/2 of the levels of the separate vaccines). However, the synergy between the antibodies may make MEVAgc much more potent. Moreover, anti-C-strain immunity pre-existing in pigs does not disturb the sequent MEVABc vaccination. Thus, MEVABc can be administrated to pigs which already possess anti-classical swine fever virus immunity. MEVAgC is a promising candidate marker vaccine.
Molecular Cloning and Distribution of a Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase Homolog from the Pearl Oyster Pinctada fucata被引量:2
Plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) plays a critical role in transporting Ca^2+ out of the cytosol across the plasma membrane which is essential both in keeping intracellular Ca^2+ homeostasis and in biomineralization. In this paper we cloned and localized a gene encoding PMCA from the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. This PMCA shares similarity with other published PMCAs within the functional domains. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis shows that it is expressed ubiquitously. Furthermore, in situ hybridization reveals that it is expressed in the inner epithelial cells of the outer fold and in the outer epithelial cells of the middle fold, as well as the edge near the shell, which suggests that PMCA may be involved in calcified layer formation. The identification and characterization of oyster PMCA can help to further understand the structural and functional properties of molluscan PMCA, as well as the mechanism of maintaining Ca^2+ homeostasis and the mechanism of mineralization in pearl oyster.
Cloning, Characterization, and Expression Analysis of Calreticulin from Pearl Oyster Pinctada fucata被引量:5
Calreticulin is a unique calcium-binding protein with multiple functions mostly located in the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum. A large amount of calcium is absorbed from the medium and transported to mineralization sites during biomineralization in pearl oyster. This paper describes the cloning of the full-length cDNA of calreticulin from Pinctada fucata, namely PCRT. PCRT encodes a deduced 414-amino acid protein, which includes a predicted 17- amino acid signal peptide and an endoplasmic reticulum retrieval sequence HDEL. The protein shows 63%-76% sequence identity and shares some common characteristics with calreticulins from other species. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicates that PCRT is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues tested with the highest expression in the hemolymph and the mantle. In situ hybridization analysis of PCRT in the mantle showed strong signals in the inner fold, the inner side of middle fold, and the inner side of outer fold of the mantle epithelium, All these results suggest PCRT might be involved in Ca^2+ transport and storage during oyster biomineralization.
热休克反应(heat shock response,HSR)是细胞在缺氧、病毒感染等应激因素刺激下,为适应微环境的改变而发生的一种自身保护性反应,以暂时性下调细胞正常代谢和选择性上调热休克蛋白(heat shock protein,HSP)的表达为特点.HSR是通过热休克转录因子(heat shock transcription factor,HSF)与相应的启动子结合,启动转录过程,进而促使HSP的表达来实现,其中HSF1是最有代表性、研究最多的一种HSF.HSF1在无活性的单体及有活性的三聚体之间的转变和平衡是转录调控的关键.热休克因子结合蛋白(heat shock factor binding protein,HSBP1)是一个含有两个伸展的疏水重复区,与HSF1的三聚体区域相互作用,以其伴侣形式实现对HSF1的DNA结合活性有负调节作用,通过抑制HSF1与DNA结合活性,从而抑制HSF1的转录活性.为了深入研究HSBP1行使功能的结构基础,对HSBP1蛋白成功地进行了克隆表达和结晶,该晶体属于R3空间群,其晶胞参数为a=b=35.2,c=233.3.
Structural basis for prokaryotic calciummediated regulation by a Streptomyces coelicolor calcium binding protein
The important and diverse regulatory roles of Ca2+in eukaryotes are conveyed by the EF-hand containing calmodulin superfamily.However,the calcium-regulatory proteins in prokaryotes are still poorly understood.In this study,we report the three-dimensional structure of the calcium-binding protein from Streptomyces coelicolor,named CabD,which shares low sequence homology with other known helix-loop-helix EF-hand proteins.The CabD structure should provide insights into the biological role of the prokaryotic calcium-binding proteins.The unusual structural features of CabD compared with prokaryotic EF-hand proteins and eukaryotic sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins,including the bending conformation of the first C-terminalα-helix,unpaired ligand-binding EF-hands and the lack of the extreme Cterminal loop region,suggest it may have a distinct and significant function in calcium-mediated bacterial physiological processes,and provide a structural basis for potential calcium-mediated regulatory roles in prokaryotes.
Xiaoyan ZhaoHai PangShenglan WangWeihong ZhouKeqian YangMark Bartlam