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24 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Partial Penalized Empirical Likelihood Ratio Test Under Sparse Case
A consistent test via the partial penalized empirical likelihood approach for the parametric hy- pothesis testing under the sparse case, called the partial penalized empirical likelihood ratio (PPELR) test, is proposed in this paper. Our results are demonstrated for the mean vector in multivariate analysis and regression coefficients in linear models, respectively. And we establish its asymptotic distributions under the null hypoth- esis and the local alternatives of order n-1/2 under regularity conditions. Meanwhile, the oracle property of the partial penalized empirical likelihood estimator also holds. The proposed PPELR test statistic performs as well as the ordinary empirical likelihood ratio test statistic and outperforms the full penalized empirical like- lihood ratio test statistic in term of size and power when the null parameter is zero. Moreover, the proposed method obtains the variable selection as well as the p-values of testing. Numerical simulations and an analysis of Prostate Cancer data confirm our theoretical findings and demonstrate the promising performance of the proposed method in hypothesis testing and variable selection.
Shan-shan WANGHeng-jian CUI
Analysis of φ-divergence for Loglinear Models with Constraints under Product-multinomial Sampling
The loglinear model under product-multinomial sampling with constraints is considered. The asymptotic expansion and normality of the restricted minimum C-divergence estimator (RMDE) which is a generalization of the maximum likelihood estimator is presented. Then various statistics based on C-divergence and RMCDE are used to test various hypothesis test problems under the model considered. These statistics contain the classical loglikelihood ratio test statistics and Pearson chi-squared test statistics. Ia the last section, a simulation study is implemented.
Ying-hua JINYao-hua Wu
Empirical likelihood for right censored data with covariables被引量:4
For complete observation and p-dimensional parameter θ defined by an estimation equation, empirical likelihood method of construction of confidence region is based on the asymptotic χp2 distribution of -2 log(EL ratio). For right censored lifetime data with covariables, however, it is shown in literature that -2 log(EL ratio) converges weakly to a scaled χp2 distribution, where the scale parameter is a function of unknown asymptotic covariance matrix. The construction of confidence region requires estimation of this scale parameter. In this paper, by using influence functions in the estimating equation, we show that -2 log(EL ratio) converges weakly to a standard χp2 distribution and hence eliminates the procedure of estimating the scale parameter.
Numerical Discretization-Based Kernel Type Estimation Methods for Ordinary Differential Equation Models被引量:1
We consider the problem of parameter estimation in both linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equation(ODE) models. Nonlinear ODE models are widely used in applications. But their analytic solutions are usually not available. Thus regular methods usually depend on repetitive use of numerical solutions which bring huge computational cost. We proposed a new two-stage approach which includes a smoothing method(kernel smoothing or local polynomial fitting) in the first stage, and a numerical discretization method(Eulers discretization method, the trapezoidal discretization method,or the Runge–Kutta discretization method) in the second stage. Through numerical simulations, we find the proposed method gains a proper balance between estimation accuracy and computational cost.Asymptotic properties are also presented, which show the consistency and asymptotic normality of estimators under some mild conditions. The proposed method is compared to existing methods in term of accuracy and computational cost. The simulation results show that the estimators with local linear smoothing in the first stage and trapezoidal discretization in the second stage have the lowest average relative errors. We apply the proposed method to HIV dynamics data to illustrate the practicability of the estimator.
Tao HUYan Ping QIUHeng Jian CUILi Hong CHEN
Analyzing Longitudinal Data with Informative Observation and Terminal Event Times
Longitudinal data often arise when subjects are followed over a period of time, and in many situations, there may exist informative observation times and a dependent terminal event such as death that stops the follow-up. In this article, we propose joint modeling and analysis of longitudinal data with possibly informative observation times and a dependent terminal event in which a common subject-specific latent variable is used to characterize the correlations. A borrow-strength estimation procedure is developed for parameter estimation, and both large-sample and finite^sample properties of the proposed estimators are established. In addition, some goodness-of-fit methods for assessing the adequacy of the model are provided. An application to a bladder cancer study is illustrated.
Rui MIAOXin CHENLiu-quan SUN
A Class of Weighted Estimators for Additive Hazards Model in Case-cohort Studies被引量:3
Case-cohort sampling is a commonly used and efficient method for studying large cohorts. In many situations, some covariates are easily measured on all cohort subjects, and surrogate measurements of the expensive covariates also may be observed. In this paper, to make full use of the covariate data collected outside the case-cohort sample, we propose'a class of weighted estimators with general time-varying weights for the additive hazards model, and the estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. We also identify the estimator within this class that maximizes efficiency, and simulation studies show that the efficiency gains of the proposed estimator over the existing ones can be substantial in practical situations. A real example is provided.
Cai-lin DONGJie ZHOULiu-quan SUN
Parameter Estimation of Varying Coefficients Structural EV Model with Time Series被引量:1
In this paper, the parameters of a p-dimensional linear structural EV(error-in-variable)model are estimated when the coefficients vary with a real variable and the model error is time series.The adjust weighted least squares(AWLS) method is used to estimate the parameters. It is shown that the estimators are weakly consistent and asymptotically normal, and the optimal convergence rate is also obtained. Simulations study are undertaken to illustrate our AWLSEs have good performance.
Yan Yun SUHeng Jian CUIKai Can LI
Panel Count Data模型参数的经验似然推断
对Panel Count Data的处理越来越受到人们的关注,Sun与Wei^([1-2])基于简单的半参数模型,提出了Panel Count Data的回归分析,并且给出了参数的估计方程。本文则基于经验似然的思想,讨论了上述Panel Count Data模型参数的置信域构造问题,特别仅通过经验似然置信区域给出了参数估计的方差阵估计,证明了估计的1/n相合性。基于Sun与Wei所给的数据,给出了参数置信区域的具体构造过程和结果。通过作图比较可以看出经验似然置信域要优于依据渐近正态性所构造的置信域。我们还依据所作出的经验似然置信域对参数估计的方差矩阵进行了估计,与用传统渐近正态性得到的矩阵较为接近。
Likelihood Ratio Inference for Mean Residual Life of Length-biased Random Variable
In lifetime data analysis, naturally recorded observations are length-biased data if the probability to select an item is proportional to its length. Based on i.i.d, observations of the true distribution, empirical likelihood (EL) procedure is proposed for the inference on mean residual life (MRL) of naturally recorded item. The limit distribution of the EL based log-likelihood ratio is proved to be the chi-square distribution. Under right censorship, since the EL based log-likelihood ratio leads to a scaled chi-square distribution and estimating the scale parameter leads to lower coverage of confidence interval, we propose an algorithm to calculate the likelihood ratio (LR) directly. The corresponding log-likelihood ratio converges to the standard chi-square distribution and the corresponding confidence interval has a better coverage. Simulation studies are used to support the theoretical results.
Wei LIANGJun-shan SHENShu-yuan HE