Effects of root-zone temperatures (RZT) (12℃-RZT and 20℃-RZT) and different N, P, and K nutrient regimes on the growth, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and antioxidant enzyme in cucumber seedlings were investigated in hydroponics. Strong interactions were observed between RZT and nutrient on the dry weight (P=0.001), root length (P=0.001) and leaf area (P=0.05). Plant dry weights were suppressed at low RZT of 12℃, while higher biomass and growth of cucumber seedlings were produced at elevated RZT of 20℃ under each nutrient treatment. Growth indexes (plant height, internode length, root length, and leaf area) at 12℃-RZT had less difference among nutrient treatments, but greater response was obtained for different nutrients at high RZT. RZT had larger effects (P=0.001) on cucumber seedling growth than nutrients. In addition, N was more effective nutrients to plant growth than P and K under low root temperature to plant growth. Higher hydrogen peroxide (H202), malondialdehyde (MDA), soluble sugar (SS) contents in leaves were observed at 12℃-RZT in all nutrient treatments than those at 20℃-RZT, indicating the chilling adversity damaged to plant growth. In general, antioxidant enzyme had larger response under low root-zone temperature. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were higher in both leaves and roots while peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) showed large different action in leaves and roots at both the two root-zone temperature.
YAN Qiu-yanDUAN Zeng-qiangMAO Jing-dongLI XunDONG Fei