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17 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
农作物物候信息的获取十分重要。近年来,开展了大量利用时序遥感数据提取植被物候的研究,但这些研究中提出的方法主要应用于森林或草地等植被类型。由于冬小麦的光谱指数时间序列有着独特的特性,利用这些方法不能获取较好的冬小麦物候提取结果。研究提出了一种新的物候提取方法,能够从SPOT/VEGETATION NDVI S10产品时间序列中成功的提取出冬小麦的返青期等详细的物候信息。研究选取一个位于山东省济宁市的典型的冬小麦种植区对该方法进行验证。结果表明,这种方法能够有效的消除遥感数据中的噪音对提取结果造成的影响,可以达到较以往的物候提取方法更满意的拟合效果和更符合实际的物候提取结果。
Spatial and Quantitative Comparison of Satellite-Derived Land Cover Products over China被引量:5
Because land cover plays an important role in global climate change studies, assessing the agreement among different land cover products is critical. Significant discrepancies have been reported among satellite-derived land cover products, especially at the regional scale. Dif- ferent classification schemes are a key obstacle to the comparison of products and are considered the main fac- tor behind the disagreement among the different products. Using a feature-based overlap metric, we investigated the degree of spatial agreement and quantified the overall and class-specific agreement among the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectoradiometer (MODIS), Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC2000), and the National Land Cover/Use Data- sets (NLCD) products, and the author assessed the prod- ucts by ground reference data at the regional scale over China. The areas with a low degree of agreement mostly occurred in heterogeneous terrain and transition zones, while the areas with a high degree of agreement occurred in major plains and areas with homogeneous vegetation. The overall agreement of the MODIS and GLC2000 products was 50.8% and 52.9%, and the overall accuracy was 50.3% and 41.9%, respectively. Class-specific agree- ment or accuracy varied significantly. The high-agreement classes are water, grassland, cropland, snow and ice, and bare areas, whereas classes with low agreement are shru- bland and wetland in both MODIS and GLC2000. These characteristics of spatial patterns and quantitative agree- ment could be partly explained by the complex landscapes, mixed vegetation, low separability of spectro-temporal- texture signals, and coarse pixels. The differences of class definition among different the classification schemes also affects the agreement. Each product had its advantages and limitations, but neither the overall accuracy nor the class-specific accuracy could meet the requirements of climate modeling.
GAO HaoJIA Gen-Suo
Elemental Composition of Atmospheric Particles during Periods with and without Traffic Restriction in Beijing: The Effectiveness of Traffic Restriction Measure
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of air pollution control through traffic restriction measure, continuou...
Renjian Zhang1
Detecting Urban Warming Signals in Climate Records被引量:2
Determining whether air temperatures recorded at meteorological stations have been contaminated by the urbanization process is still a controversial issue at the global scale. With support of historical remote sensing data, this study examined the impacts of urban expansion on the trends of air temperature at 69 meteorological stations in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province over the last three decades. There were significant positive relations between the two factors at all stations. Stronger warming was detected at the meteorological stations that experienced greater urbanization, i.e., those with a higher urbanization rate. While the total urban area affects the absolute temperature values, the change of the urban area (urbanization rate) likely affects the temperature trend. Increases of approximately 10% in urban area around the meteorological stations likely contributed to the 0.13~C rise in air temperature records in addition to regional climate warming. This study also provides a new approach to selecting reference stations based on remotely sensed urban fractions. Generally, the urbanization-induced warming contributed to approximately 44.1% of the overall warming trends in the plain region of study area during the past 30 years, and the regional climate warming was 0.30℃ (10 yr)-1 in the last three decades.
Validation of Land Surface Temperature Derived from 37-GHz AMSR-E over Northern China
A validation study of land surface temperature (LST) obtained from the Ka band (37 GHz) vertically polarized brightness temperature over northern China is presented.The remotely sensed LST derived jointly by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (VUA-NASA) from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) were compared to the daily in-situ top soil temperature/infrared surface temperature observations from eleven/three Enhanced Coordinated Observation stations in arid and semi-arid regions of northern China.The VUA-NASA LST from the descending path exhibited a stronger correspondence to the in-situ infrared surface temperature than soil temperature observations,whereas correlations (R 2) of the latter ranged from 0.41 to 0.86.Meanwhile,the ascending overpass LST was generally warmer than the in-situ soil temperature observations at all stations,and the correlation (R 2) was between 0.07 and 0.72.Furthermore,the correlation of the descending path was generally greater than that of the ascending path at the same station.The descending path VUA-NASA LST was sensitive to precipitation and presented good agreement with ground temperature dynamics.The analyses demonstrated that the descending overpass LST was reliable to reflect reasonable patterns of temperature dynamics for land surface temperature in the region.
ZHANG An-ZhiJIA Gen-SuoWANG He-SongZHAO Tian-Bao
Intercomparison of the Summertime Subtropical High from the ERA-40 and over East Eurasia and the western North Pacific被引量:6
An intercomparison of summertime (JJA)subtropical geopotential heights from the ERA-40 and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis is specifically conducted over East Eurasia and the western North Pacific. The NCEP/NCAR is obviously lower than the ERA-40 in the mid-to-lower troposphere in most regions of East Eurasia before the mid-1970s, but becomes higher than the ERA-40 after the mid-1970s and thus demonstrates stronger increased trends during the period of 1958-2001. Both reanalyses are lower than the observations in most regions of China. The NCEP/NCAR especially shows tremendously systematic lower values before the mid-1960s and displays abrupt changes before the 1970s. Several indices of the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH), calculated from both reanalyzed summer geopotential heights, also reveal that the variation trend of the NCEP/NCAR is stronger than that of the ERA-40 in the mid-to-lower troposphere from 1958 to 2001. Through singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis, the summer geopotential heights at 500 hPa from the ERA-40 are better than the NCEP/NCAR counterparts at interacting with the precipitation over the East Asian monsoon region. The results indicate that the NCEP/NCAR in the mid-and-lower troposphere may overestimate interdecadal changes and should be used cautiously to study the relationship between the WNPSH and precipitation ove ther East Asia Monsoon region before the mid-1970s.
利用国家气象信息中心提供的各测站多年逐日降水和逐日天气现象资料,在运用旋转经验正交函数(Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function,REOF)和相关分析进行降雪分区的基础上,重点分析了近46年来我国降雪的时空分布、演变特征和长期气候趋势。结果表明,降雪分布清楚地反映了我国的地理特征和气候特点,即高纬度、高海拔地区降雪多,南方降雪地区集中。在空间上,降雪增加的区域主要分布在新疆北部、东北区北部、西藏高原东部和淮河流域部分地区。在时间上,我国平均年降雪量总体呈弱的减少趋势。在气候变暖的背景下,除东北区北部和西北区西部降雪趋势为正值外,其它分区都为负值,其中长江中下游地区降雪减少最明显。Mann-Kendall检验表明,在20世纪90年代新疆北部、东北区北部的降雪发生了由少到多的突变,且增加趋势显著,其它分区没有突变发生。
Evaluation of AMSR-E——Derived Soil Moisture over Northern China被引量:7
In this study,the authors evaluated two re-motely sensed surface soil moisture datasets derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer of the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) over northern China.The soil moisture datasets were derived from algorithms developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and jointly developed by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (VUA-NASA).The NSIDC and VUA-NASA products were compared to in situ soil moisture data from nine enhanced coordinated observation stations.The VUA-NASA dataset presented a strong correlation with top layer in situ soil moisture observations,and the correla-tion coefficients ranged from 0.34 to 0.73 (p<0.01).The correlation coefficients decreased as the observed soil layer depth increased.The correlation coefficients be-tween the NSIDC retrievals and the top layer in situ ob-servations were between 0.10 and 0.62 (p<0.01).Fur-thermore,VUA-NASA soil moisture variations agreed well with in situ soil moisture dynamics and responded sensitively to precipitation events.In contrast,the NSIDC dataset failed to capture signals of soil moisture dynamics.The analyses demonstrated that the VUA-NASA product was capable of representing soil moisture conditions over northern China.
ZHANG An-ZhiJIA Gen-SuoWANG He-SongZHAO Tian-BaoFENG Jin-MingMA Zhu-Guo