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  • 2篇单精子
  • 2篇单精子显微注...
  • 2篇受精率
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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
【目的】:人类辅助生殖技术中,低受精率的发生机理及辅助激活提高受精率的安全性尚不清楚,缺乏激活力减弱的精子模型是其中一个主要研究障碍。本研究拟探索减弱小鼠精子激活力的新技术。【方法】首先,分别对精子进行化学破膜、机械脱尾及其联合操作于37℃孵育12 h,比较各操作对显微授精后的受精率的影响;然后进一步结合时间因素,观察处理时间与精子激活力减弱程度的联系。同时,对操作后的胚胎早期发育的影响也进行了相应观察。【结果】①化学破膜法与机械脱尾法对精子破膜并温育后,均能有效降低精子受精率;②相对于正常的精子,对小鼠精子进行吹打机械脱尾,37℃下温育2、4、8、12 h后,受精率和卵裂率均出现程度逐步增加的显著降低(P<0.01);③与对照相比,以吹打机械脱尾并37℃下温育后的精子进行显微授精后,其受精卵的囊胚率和孵出率也显著降低(P<0.001)。【结论】将小鼠精子机械脱尾并在37℃下温育,精子激活力随温育时间增加而显著降低,同时其胚胎发育能力下降。本研究初步探索了程度可控的降低精子受精激活力的新技术,其安全性及导致精子激活力下降的机制尚需进一步研究。
目的脱尾的精子头注射是小鼠显微授精的一种常用方法,脱尾对精子造成的膜损伤是否影响卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(ICSI)的受精率和卵裂率尚不清楚,该研究拟初步探索精子的机械脱尾等膜损伤以及不同温育条件对ICSI的受精率和卵裂率的影响。方法首先,用机械吹打法处理小鼠精子悬液,使得部分精子脱尾,于不同温度下孵育,观察孵育温度对ICSI的受精率和卵裂率的影响;然后比较精子化学破膜与吹打脱尾处理后温育一定时间对显微授精的受精率、卵裂率的影响。结果相对于对照组,对小鼠精子进行吹打脱尾,经37℃下温育12 h后的显微授精双原核形成率和卵裂率显著下降(75.6%vs 15.1%,P<0.01;91.1%vs 18.9%,P<0.01),而4℃下温育12 h的结果未见正常受精率和卵裂率受显著影响。用Triton-100精子进行化学破膜后温育,尽管其没有机械脱尾法效果显著,也同样明显降低了受精率和卵裂率(P<0.01)。结论该研究初步提示,精子脱尾等破膜损伤在经37℃较长时间温育后会降低小鼠ICSI的受精率,常规小鼠ICSI操作中小鼠精子批量脱尾处理后不宜在37℃下放置过久。
Clomiphene Citrate as An Adjuvant to hMG Stimulation of the Ovaries in Mid-to-late Follicular Phase and Subsequently Pregnancy Outcome of Frozen-thawed Embryo Transfers被引量:2
Objective To compare the results of a novel regimen of human menopausal gonadotrophin (hMG) in combination with clomiphene citrate (CC) in mid-to-late follicular phase with those of a short protocol of GnRH agonist (GnRHa) and hMG used for IVF. Methods In the retrospective study, 842 patients undergoing IVF were collected and classified into two groups: hMG in combination with CC in mid-to-late follicular phase (group A, n=319) and short protocol of GnRHa-hMG (group B, n=523). The main outcome measures were ovarian responses in stimulation cycles and pregnancy outcomes in subsequent frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) cycles. Results In group A, the serum LH concentration on day 8 -10 was similar with that on the day of hCG administration (2.43 ± 1.92 IU vs 2.51 ±2.05 IU). The number of mature follicles and oocytes retrieved was significantly lower in group A than in group B while the fertilization rate and the cleavage rate were comparable. The clinical pregnancy rate (47. 79% vs 48.04%), the implantation rate (32.49% vs 33.11%) and the cumulative pregnancy rate (58.09% vs 60.22%) were respectively similar in group A and group B. Conclusion hMG in combination with CC in mid-to-late follicular phase results in the same pregnancy outcome as short protocol. The novel protocol may take the advantage of eliminating the occurrehce of a premature endogenous LH Surge.
Yan KANGQing-qing HONGWei-ran CHAIYong-lun FUAi AIQiu-ju CHENYan-ping KUANG
Impact of Progesterone on Inhibins during Controlled Ovarian Stimulation
Background:To explore the impact of progesterone on inhibins during controlled ovarian stimulation in women with normal ovarian reserve and to compare cycle characteristics and pregnancy outcomes in subsequently frozen-thawed embryo transfer(FET)cycles.Methods:A total of 93 patients were randomly divided into two groups,study group(human menopausal gonadotropin[hMG]+medroxyprogesterone acetate[MPA])and control group(short protocol).Serum hormones were detected on day 3 before ovarian and day 10-12,the trigger day,and the day after trigger(approximately 10 h after trigger).Viable embryos were cryopreserved for later transfer in both protocols.Results:In the study group,inhibins signifcantly increased during ovarian stimulation,and the average inhibins level on the trigger day was signifcantly higher than the basal levels.Inhibin A level increased significantly to 2046.7±1280.5 ng/L after trigger 10 h.Serum inhibin B level slightly decreased at the time of trigger 10 h later compared with the trigger time but did not reach a significant difference.The number of oocytes retrieved in study group was similar to that in control(10.5±4.5 vs.9.0±5.2,P<0.05).No statistically significant differences were found in the clinical pregnancy rate(47.4%vs.52.2%,P<0.05),implantation rate(36.5%vs.36%),and live birth rate(43.4%vs.39.1%,P<0.05)between the two groups.Conclusions:The high level of progesterone did not affect the secretion in granulosa cells during the controlled ovarian stimulation.Therefore,sufficient oocytes/embryos can be obtained by hMG and MPA co-treatment in women undergoing in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatments,with optimal pregnancy outcomes in FET cycles.
Ye JingChen Qiu-JuHe WenZhang JieYe Hong-JuanFu Yong-LunLyu Qi-FengKuang Yan-Ping