In the late 20 th century, the post-modern theories challenge Marxism, especially Marx’s historical materialism. According to their opinions, Marx’s work in founding historical materialism concentrates on the economic domain and takes production as the basic conception, with the result of Marx’s non-transcending the narrative frame of the classical political economy deep logically, and of the approval of the production ideology of capitalism instead. Contrary to above opinions, the paper proposes two positions in terms of the investigation of Marx’s thoughts:(1)it is on the basis of the conception of historical materialism that Marx’s economic analysis brings about the transcendence of and the break with the capitalist political economy.(2)Marx distinguishes the conception of production into productive forces and relations of production. While taking productive forces as the objective measure of historical progress, Marx emphatically criticizes the capitalist relations of production, indicating that the development of productive forces will finally create the real material strength replacing of capitalist system.