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20 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Application of long-range correlation and multi-fractal analysis for the depiction of drought risk
By using the multi-fractal detrended fluctuation analysis method, we analyze the nonlinear property of drought in southwestern China. The results indicate that the occurrence of drought in southwestern China is multi-fractal and long- range correlated, and these properties are indifferent to timescales. A power-law decay distribution well describes the return interval of drought events and the auto-correlation. Furthermore, a drought risk exponent based on the multi-fractal property and the long-range correlation is presented. This risk exponent can give useful information about whether the drought may or may not occur in future, and provide a guidance function for preventing disasters and reducing damage.
A study of the early warning signals of abrupt change in the Pacific decadal oscillation被引量:1
In recent years, the phenomenon of a critical slowing down has demonstrated its major potential in discovering whether a complex dynamic system tends to abruptly change at critical points. This research on the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO) index has been made on the basis of the critical slowing down principle in order to analyze its early warning signal of abrupt change. The chaotic characteristics of the PDO index sequence at different times are determined by using the largest Lyapunov exponent(LLE). The relationship between the regional sea surface temperature(SST) background field and the early warning signal of the PDO abrupt change is further studied through calculating the variance of the SST in the PDO region and the spatial distribution of the autocorrelation coefficient, thereby providing the experimental foundation for the extensive application of the method of the critical slowing down phenomenon. Our results show that the phenomenon of critical slowing down, such as the increase of the variance and autocorrelation coefficient, will continue for six years before the abrupt change of the PDO index. This phenomenon of the critical slowing down can be regarded as one of the early warning signals of an abrupt change. Through calculating the LLE of the PDO index during different times, it is also found that the strongest chaotic characteristics of the system occurred between 1971 and 1975 in the early stages of an abrupt change(1976), and the system was at the stage of a critical slowing down, which proves the reliability of the early warning signal of abrupt change discovered in 1970 from the mechanism. In addition, the variance of the SST,along with the spatial distribution of the autocorrelation coefficient in the corresponding PDO region, also demonstrates the corresponding relationship between the change of the background field of the SST and the change of the PDO.
Impact of the North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Tripole on the East Asian Summer Monsoon被引量:51
A strong (weak) East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is usually concurrent with the tripole pattern of North Atlantic SST anomalies on the interannual timescale during summer, which has positive (negative) SST anomalies in the northwestern North Atlantic and negative (positive) SST anomalies in the subpolar and tropical ocean. The mechanisms responsible for this linkage are diagnosed in the present study. It is shown that a barotropie wave-train pattern occurring over the Atlantic-Eurasia region likely acts as a link between the EASM and the SST tripole during summer. This wave-train pattern is concurrent with geopotential height anomalies over the Ural Mountains, which has a substantial effect on the EASM. Diagnosis based on observations and linear dynamical model results reveals that the mechanism for maintaining the wave-train pattern involves both the anomalous diabatic heating and synoptic eddy-vorticity forcing. Since the North Atlantic SST tripole is closely coupled with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the relationships between these two factors and the EASM are also examined. It is found that the connection of the EASM with the summer SST tripole is sensitive to the meridional location of the tripole, which is characterized by large seasonal variations due to the north-south movement of the activity centers of the NAO. The SST tripole that has a strong relationship with the EASM appears to be closely coupled with the NAO in the previous spring rather than in the simultaneous summer.
左金清李维京孙丞虎XU Li任宏利
2013年春季,全国平均气温较常年同期偏高1.0℃,平均降水量较常年同期偏多8.3%,但气温和降水空间分布不均,东北气温持续偏低,华北出现区域性气象干旱。分析表明:2013年冬春季北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO)持续强的负位相;3和4月东北冷涡活跃,不仅频次偏多且强度偏强;同时,从2013年秋季开始东北地区积雪面积持续偏大,这些因子共同作用造成东北出现强的持续性低温。而2012年冬季以来西伯利亚高压持续偏弱,同时异常高脊控制我国北方大部地区,加之水汽输送不足,造成华北地区出现区域性气象干旱。
2014年,全国平均气温较常年偏高0.5℃,与1999年并列为1961年以来第六暖年;四季气温均偏高。全国平均降水量636.2 mm,接近常年,比2013年偏少3%;降水时空分布不均,辽宁、北京和河北偏少明显,冬、春、夏三季降水量均接近常年同期,秋季偏多。华南前汛期开始早、雨量多;西南雨季开始晚、结束早、雨量少;梅雨区降水量南多北少,江淮出现空梅;华北雨季不明显,出现空汛;华西秋雨开始早、结束晚、雨量多。夏季副热带高压脊线位置偏南,南海夏季风爆发晚,东亚夏季风强度略偏弱。2014年,我国气候属正常年景,极端天气气候事件少于2013年,暴雨洪涝、干旱等灾害偏轻,因灾造成死亡人数和受灾面积明显偏少,气象灾害属于偏轻年份。
Simulation of a Persistent Snow Storm over Southern China with a Regional Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model被引量:3
A regional atmosphere-ocean coupled model, RegCM3-POM, was developed by coupling the regional climate model (RegCM3) with the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The performance of RegCM3-POM in simulating a persistent snow storm over southern China and the impact of the Madden Julian oscillation (MJO) on this persistent snow storm were investigated. Compared with the stand-alone RegCM3, the coupled model performed better at reproducing the spatial-temporal evolution and intensity of the precipitation episodes. The power spectral analysis indicated that the coupled model successfully captured the dominant period between 30 and 60 days in the precipitation field, leading to a notable improvement in simulating the magnitude of intraseasonal precipitation variation, and further in enhancing the intensity of the simulated precipitation. These improvements were mainly due to the well-simulated low-frequency oscillation center and its eastward propagation characteristics in each MJO phase by RegCM3-POM, which improved the simulations of MJO-related low-frequency vertical motions, water vapor transport, and the deep inversion layer that can directly influence the precipitation event and that further improved the simulated MJOprecipitation relationship. Analysis of the phase relationship between convection and SST indicated that RegCM3-POM exhibits a near-quadrature relation between the simulated convection and SST anomalies, which was consistent with the observations. However, such a near-quadrature relation was not as significant when the stand-alone RegCM3 was used. This difference indicated that the inherent coupled feedback process between the ocean and atmosphere in RegCM3-POM played an important part in reproducing the features of the MJO that accompanied the snow storm.