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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
Tectonothermal Evolution of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau Foreland: Fission-Track Thermochronology of the Southern Dabashan Fold-Thrust Belt被引量:2
Apatite fission-track dating and thermal-history modeling were carried out on samples from the Dabashan (大巴山), a fold-thrust belt, northeast of the Sichuan (四川) Basin and east of the Tibetan Plateau. A first cooling event in the Late Cretaceous is followed by a prolonged period of ther- mal stability with exhumation rates of 〈0.025 mm/a, as determined from age vs. elevation relationships. The preservation of age vs. elevations relationships and the lack of distinct age changes across tectonic structures indicate that the Dabashan fold-thrust belt formed prior to the Late Cretaceous, consistent with the current view of Triassic-Early Cretaceous shortening. Relatively short mean track lengths (-12 μm) indicate that the samples remained in the partial annealing zone for a prolonged time. The knick points in the best-fitting temperature-time models suggest that the onset of late-stage accelerated cooling commenced at 〈11 Ma. Related exhumation rates are 0.3-0.2 mm/a assuming geothermal gra- dients of 20 and 30 ℃/km. We speculate that this late-stage event results from eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau and overstepping of the Sichuan Basin, it is likely responsible for the youthful mor- phology of the Dabashan.
Re-Os Geochronometer Constraint on the Timing of Petroleum Generation and Migration and Associated Tectonism of the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, Southwest China
There are lots of Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic outcropping bitumen distributed at the northern Longmen Shan trust belt in Southwest China,indicative of existing paleo-oil reservoir.The bitumen develops from the Sinian to Permian strata,mainly along the thrust fault plane and fracture system in
沈传波GE XiangDavid SELBYRUAN XiaoyanHU ShouzhiPENG Lei
构造热演化是沉积盆地基础地质研究的重要内容,更是油气勘探中不可或缺的部分,多种古地温方法的综合对比研究是目前热史研究主要发展趋势。本文将裂变径迹(FT)和(U-Th)/He热年代学、镜质体反射率法(Ro)和盆地模拟等技术相结合,运用正演和反演的方法重建了川东北地区埋藏–剥露热演化历史。研究表明川东北地区自晚白垩世埋深达到最大后进入剥蚀阶段,大约从92 Ma开始隆升,经历了快速隆升–缓慢隆升–加速隆升三个阶段,整个过程的剥蚀量大约3~4 km,且两次大的剥露过程分别受控于雪峰山的隆起造山以及大巴山的推覆和青藏高原的隆升作用。研究还建立了综合热年代学、Ro和盆地模拟技术恢复复杂构造–热演化历史的方法,这对于复杂环境下的构造热演化历史的恢复以及海相油气勘探具有重要的意义。
^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar geochronology constraints on hydrocarbon accumulation and destruction periods in the Bankeng paleo-reservoir in the southern margin of the middle Yangtze block被引量:7
The exact determination of isotopic ages of hydrocarbon accumulation,reconstruction and destruction periods using traditional isotopic dating methods is complex because of the small numbers of minerals that correlate with hydrocarbons.The quantitative and direct study of hydrocarbon geochronology is therefore an important scientific problem for isotope geochronology and petroleum geology.This study obtains two isotopic ages from a quartz vein sample associated with bitumen in a reverse fault located in the Bankeng paleo-reservoir on the southern margin of the middle Yangtze block (the northern margin of the JiangnanXuefeng uplift) by inclusion 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing in a vacuum.Two different and good linear inverse isochrons that correspond to two age plateaus were determined.The two ages correspond to primary inclusions of about 228 Ma and secondary inclusions of about 149 Ma.These inclusion groups represent two distinct kinds of fluids.Quartz veins associated with bitumen in faulted paleo-reservoirs,which have a strict response relationship with tectonization and hydrocarbon accumulation,are the unified products of tectonic processes,hydrocarbon accumulation and reconstruction.Therefore,they can be used to constrain the hydrocarbon accumulation,reconstruction and destruction periods that are controlled by multiphase and complicated tectonic actions.The evolutionary processes of hydrocarbon accumulation can be divided into two periods consisting of a primary oil and gas reservoir formation period in the late Indosinian epoch (about 228 Ma) and a period of oil and gas reservoir reconstruction in the early Yanshan epoch (about 149 Ma).This study quantitatively reconstructs the hydrocarbon accumulation and destruction chronological framework of a giant hydrocarbon accumulation belt along the southern margin of the middle Yangtze block (the northern margin of the Jiangnan-Xuefeng uplift) controlled by multiphase and complicated tectonism.The two ages associated with hydrocarbons here correspond to the special c
LIU ZhaoQianMEI LianFuQIU HuaNingSHEN ChuanBoTANG JiGuangYUN JianBing
Re和Os易于被有机物捕获而富集,并长期稳定地保存在烃源岩、原油和沥青中而保持良好的封闭体系。可以对烃源岩、原油和沥青进行Re-Os同位素直接定年,获得与油气成藏相关的精确的绝对年龄信息。Re-Os同位素实验分析包括样品的溶解、Re和Os的化学分离与纯化、Re和Os同位素的质谱测定。原油中沥青质组分的Re,Os同位素组成能够近似代表全油的Re,Os同位素组成,对原油进行Re-Os同位素分析实质就是对原油中的沥青质组分中的Re-Os同位素体系进行分析,其年龄记录的是油气生成的年龄,原油和烃源岩的187 Os/188 Os比值的对比可以进行油源示踪。沥青Re-Os同位素等时线年龄揭示的是油气大量生成运移的时间,年龄数据分散的主要原因是具有不同187 Os/188 Os初始比值的烃源岩对Re-Os体系的贡献。川西龙门山北段矿山梁下寒武统沥青Re-Os同位素组成和等时线年龄指示了油气生成和运移的时间发生在~164 Ma,并来源于两种烃源岩。Re-Os同位素体系的封闭性、等时线年龄的精度和油气地质意义、烃源岩多期熟化作用和混源作用的影响等方面还值得进一步深入研究。Re-Os同位素方法将在油气成藏年代学领域,特别是在碳酸盐岩地区的油气成藏定年方面具有广泛的应用前景。
沈传波David Selby梅廉夫阮小燕胡守志刘昭茜彭蕾
Re-Os Geochronometer Constraint on the Timing of Petroleum Generation and Migration and Associated Tectonism of the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, Southwest China
<正>There are lots of Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic outcropping bitumen distributed at the northern Longmen Sh...
沈传波GE XiangDavid SELBYRUAN XiaoyanHU ShouzhiPENG Lei
Re-Os Geochronometer Constraint on the Timing of Petroleum Generation and Migration in the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, Southwest China
<正>There are lots of Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic outcropping bitumen distributed at the northern Longmen Sh...
ChuanBo ShenDavid SelbyLianFu MeiXiaoyan RuanShouZhi HuLei Peng