High-speed light source is realized for decoy-state quantum key distribution (QKD) at telecom wavelength of 1.55 ttm. By implementing two different electrical pulses together and triggering with 100 MHz pseudo- random number to drive the laser diode, the signal-state and the decoy-state pulses are prepared with identical pulse duration of 25 ps and similar spectral characteristics, avoiding the eavesdropper's attack by temporal and spectral analysis. The intensity fluctuation of the light source is quantified to satisfy the practical decoy-state QKD with random intensity error. The characteristics of the light source are analyzed with a high-speed single-photon detector.
We report on controllable pulse shaping in a Yb-doped stretched-pulse fiber laser followed by a high-power chirped pulse amplifier. We demonstrate that the pulses after an extra-cavity grating pair change their intensity profile from Lorentz to Gaussian and then to sech2 shapes by adjusting the intra-cavity polarization through a quarter-wave plate inside the fiber laser cavity. The laser pulses with different pulse shapes exhibit pulse-to-pulse amplitude fluctuation of -- 1.02%, while the sech2-shaped pulse train is provided with a more stable free-running repetition rate as a result of the stronger self-phase modulation in the fiber laser cavity than Lorentz- and Gaussian-shaped pulse trains.