In this paper, we study optimal recovery (reconstruction) of functions on the sphere in the average case setting. We obtain the asymptotic orders of average sampling numbers of a Sobolev space on the sphere with a Gaussian measure in the Lq (S^d-1) metric for 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞, and show that some worst-case asymptotically optimal algorithms are also asymptotically optimal in the average case setting in the Lq (S^d-1) metric for 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞.
We consider Jackson inequality in L^2 (B^d×T, Wκ,μ^B (x)), where the weight function Wκ,μ^B (X) is defined on the ball B^d and related to reflection group, and obtain the sharp Jackson inequalityEn-1,m-1(f)2≤κn,m(τ,r)ωr(f,t)2,τ≥2τn,λ,where Tn,λ is the first positive zero of the Gegenbauer cosine polynomial Cn^λ (cos θ)(n ∈ N).
We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the entropy numbers of Besov classes BBΩp,θ(Sd 1)of generalized smoothness on the sphere inL q(Sd 1)for 1≤p,q,θ≤∞,and get their asymptotic orders.We also obtain the exact orders of entropy numbers of Sobolev classesBWr p(Sd 1)inL q(Sd 1)whenpand/orqis equal to 1 or∞.This provides the last piece as far as exact orders of entropy numbers ofBWr p(Sd 1)inL q(Sd 1)are concerned.