A mineral resource zone,rich in resources and energy,is intensively developed and disturbed by human activities,which causes an obvious change of landscapes.Taking Wu’an of Hebei Province,China,as a case study,this paper extracts landscape information of mineral resource zones through overlapping mineral resources distribution map and landscape pattern map.And then,various landscape indices are selected for analyzing the effects of grain size(30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270 and 300 m)on landscape patterns.Due to different kinds of landscape information transmitted by indices,the changing trends vary with the increase of grain sizes.Accordingly the landscape indices are classified into three types of effects:disturbance,continuity and sustainability,and each type of effect has its own optimal range for grain sizes.Then the optimal range of grain size on landscape patterns in mineral resource zones is gained through a comparison of the effects in various grain sizes of landscape indices.The best first domain of scale covers 30-90 m,with a suitable grain size of 30-60 m before intensive mining and a suitable grain size of 60-90 m after intensive mining.Besides,the suitable grain sizes for reflecting disturbance,continuity and sustainability before intensive mining are 30-60,30-60 and 30-90 m,respectively,however,the sizes are changed to 60-90,60-90 and 30-90 m,respectively,after intensive mining.The results are helpful for rational land use and optimal landscape allocation.
为了对矿业城市的土地利用情景进行预测,该文以典型矿业城市武安市为例,将GIS技术和CLUE-S(conversion of land use and its effects at small regional extent)模型应用到武安市土地利用变化情景模拟研究中,通过土地利用结构变化、矿业城市土地利用空间分布和驱动因子的定量关系对武安市土地利用变化进行相应约束,设计了趋势发展情景、耕地保护情景、生态安全情景3种模式,生成2020年不同情景方案下土地利用预测图,并对预测结果进行比较分析。研究结果表明:在趋势发展情景下,林地、建筑用地呈现上升趋势,体现了经济发展和环境保护双管齐下的成效,这也与实际情况相吻合;耕地保护情景下,耕地分布制约了建设用地的适度扩张;生态安全情景下,受生态环境政策影响,林地增长趋势明显,工矿用地急剧减少。综合考虑到武安市社会、经济、生态以及耕地保护等多方面的协调发展,研究认为趋势发展情景更为合理,其他2种情景可为趋势发展情景进行适度的修正和补充。该研究为区域土地资源的优化配置提供决策依据,同时研究结果也进一步验证了CLUE-S模型能够较好地模拟预测不同约束条件下矿业城市土地利用空间变化。