In this paper, the dual code of the binary cyclic code of length 2 n-1 with three zeros α, α t 1 and α t 2 is proven to have five nonzero Hamming weights in the case that n 4 is even and t1 = 2 n/2 + 1, t2 = 2 n-1-2 n/2+1 + 1 or 2 n/2 + 3, where α is a primitive element of the finite field F 2 n . The dual code is a divisible code of level n/2+1, and its weight distribution is also completely determined. When n = 4, the dual code satisfies Ward's bound.
LI ChunLei 1 , ZENG XiangYong 1, & HU Lei 2 1 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China