Let π be a group with a unit 1; H is a Hopf π- coalgebra and A is a right π-H-comodule algebra. First, the notion of a two-sided relative (A, H)-Hopf π-comodule is introduced; then it is obtained that Hom A H (M, N) H and HOMA(M, N) are isomorphic as right Hopf π-H-comodules, where Hom A H(M, N) denotes the space of right A-module fight H-comodule morphisms and HOMa (M, N) denotes the rational space of a space Hom A(M, N) of right A-module morphisms. Secondly, the structure theorem of endomorphism algebras of two-sided relative (A, H)-Hopf π--comodules is established; that is, End A H (M)#H and END A(M, N) are isomorphic as fight Hopf π-H-comodules and algebras.
The linear operations of the equivalent classes of crossed modules of Lie color algebras are studied. The set of the equivalent classes of crossed modules is proved to be a vector space, which is isomorphic with the homogeneous components of degree zero of the third cohomology group of Lie color algebras. As an application of this theory, the crossed modules of Witt type Lie color algebras is described, and the result is proved that there is only one equivalent class of the crossed modules of Witt type Lie color algebras when the abelian group Г is equal to Г+. Finally, for a Witt type Lie color algebra, the classification of its crossed modules is obtained by the isomorphism between the third cohomology group and the crossed modules.