Spatial distribution and abundance of small fishes were studied in autumn 2007 in the Xiaosihai Lake, a shallow lake along the middle reach of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. Based on the plant cover, the lake was divided into three major habitats: Myriophyllum spicaturn habitat (MS habitat), Trapa bispinosa habitat (TB habitat), and non-vegetation habitat (NV habitat). A modified pop-net was used for quantitative sampling of small fishes in the three habitats, and the Zippin's removal method was used for estimating densities of the small fishes. A total of 13 species belonging to 5 families were collected, with 11 species in MS habitat, 7 species in TB habitat, and 5 species in NV habitat. Habitat type had significant effect on the spatial distribution of small fishes. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index in the MS, TB and NV habitats were 1.28, 0.56 and 0.54, respectively. The total density and biomass of small fishes were significantly higher in the MS habitat (13.68 ind/m^2 and 4.44 g/m^2) than in the TB habitat (1.41 ind/m^2 and 0.54 g/m^2) and the NV habitat (1.08 ind/m^2 and 0.40 g/m^2), and were not significantly different between the TB habitat and the NV habitat. Water depth had no significant effect on spatial distribution of the small fishes. It was suggested that vegetation type played an important role in habitat selectivity of small fishes, and the presence of submersed vegetation should be of significance in the conservation of small fish diversity.
研究于2010年秋季和2011年夏季对南水北调东线工程最大调蓄湖泊—洪泽湖的鱼类资源进行了调查,结合历史资料分析该湖鱼类资源变动情况,以期为渔业管理和生物多样性保护提供依据。自20世纪60年代以来,洪泽湖累计记录鱼类88种,本研究发现63种,其中新记录6种,分别为:点纹银、彩副、方氏鳑鲏、鲻、大眼鳜和波氏吻虾虎鱼;与历史记录比较,湖泊定居性鱼类所占比例由59%上升78%,而喜流水性鱼类和河海洄游性鱼类分别由22%和7%下降到3%和3%;未采集到的25种鱼类中,流水性鱼类计17种,占68%。网簖和丝网的渔获物分析表明,鲫、黄颡鱼、刀鲚和红鳍原鲌等小型鱼类具有较高的IRI值(相对重要性指数,Index of Relative Importance),是鱼类群落的优势种,大型鱼类除鲤外,IRI值均不高,在群落中不占优势。2010—2011年洪泽湖渔业年产量为2200×104kg,以刀鲚和鲫为主的小型鱼类产量达1967×104kg,占89.4%;"四大家鱼"产量96×104kg,占4.4%;鳜、翘嘴鲌、乌鳢和鲇等大型食鱼性鱼类合计仅占0.89%。文章分析江湖阻隔、过度捕捞和生境破坏对洪泽湖鱼类资源的影响,提出相应的渔业管理策略,并初步预测南水北调东线工程对该湖鱼类和渔业的潜在影响。
Erhai Lake is the second largest freshwater lake on the Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China. In recent decades, a number of exotic fish species have been introduced into the lake and the fish community has changed considerably. We evaluated the status of the fish community based on surveys with multimesh gillnet, trap net, and benthic fyke-net between May 2009 and April 2012. In addition, we evaluated the change in the community using historical data (1952-2010) describing the fish community and fishery harvest. The current fish community is dominated by small-sized fishes, including Pseudorasbora parva, Rhinogobius giurinus, Micropercops swinhonis, Hemiculter leucisculus, and Rhinogobius cliffordpopei. These accounted for 87.7% of the 22 546 total specimens collected. Omnivorous and carnivorous species dominated the community. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) plot revealed that the distribution of fishes in the lake is influenced by aquatic plants, water temperature, pH, and season. The abundance of indigenous species has declined sharply, and a majority of endemic species have been extirpated from the lake (a decrease from seven to two species). In contrast, the number of exotic species has increased since the 1960s to a total of 22 at present. The fishery harvest decreased initially following the 1960s, but has since increased due to the introduction of non-native fish and stocking of native fish. The fishery harvest was significantly correlated with total nitrogen, not total phosphorus, during the past 20 years. Based on our results, we discuss recommendations for the restoration and conservation of the fish resources in Erhai Lake.
Cyanobacterial blooms occur frequently in lakes due to eutrophication. Although a number of models have been proposed to forecast algal blooms, a good and applicable method is still lacking. This study explored a simple and effective mathematical-ecological model to evaluate the growth status and predict the population dynamics of Microcystis blooms. In this study, phytoplankton were collected and identified from 8 sampling sites in Chaohu Lake every month from July to October, 2010. The niche breadth and niche overlap of common species were calculated using standard equations, and the potential relative growth rates of Microcystis were calculated as a weighted-value of niche overlap. In July, the potential relative growth rate was 2.79 (a.u., arbitrary units) but then rapidly declined in the following months to -3.99 a.u. in September. A significant correlation (R=0.998, P<0.01) was found in the model between the net-increase in biomass of Microcystis in the field and the predicted values calculated by the niche model, we concluded that the niche model is suitable for forecasting the dynamics of Microcystis blooms. Redundancy analysis indicated that decreases in water temperature, dissolved oxygen and total dissolved phosphorus might be major factors underlying bloom decline. Based on the theory of community succession being caused by resource competition, the growth and decline of blooms can be predicted from a community structure. This may provide a basis for early warning and control of algal blooms.