The linchpin of strategy about the Sustainable Development (SD) in Chinese county enforcement area is to accomplish the basic transformation about the mode of economic development from extensive mode to intensive mode. For most counties of China, the overmany population is an element which influences the Sustainable Development. But to achieve the Sustainable Development based on the harmonious development of population, resource, economy and environment, the most important thing is how to carry on its management and evaluation method under the guide of the Tenth Five Year Plan of national economy and the Perspective Target of 2010.Therefore,this paper aims at reforming the traditional judging method focusing on output value Income and establishing a systematic management method and evaluation index system about the sustainable development based on the harmonious growth of population, resource, economy and environment.
JI Guo-li 1,\ MI Hong 2 1.Automation Department, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China 2.Population Studies Institute, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China