Catalytic conversion of sustainable cellulose to the value-added chemicals and high quality biofuel has been recognized as a perfect approach for the alleviation of the dependence on the non-renewable fossil resources. Previously, we successfully de- signed and explored novel and efficient cooperative ionic liquid pairs for this renewable material, which has advantages of high reactor efficiency than current technologies because of the dissolution and in situ catalytic decomposition mechanism. Here, the determinant of this process is further studied by the intensive investigation on the relationship between the cellulose conversion and the properties of ionic liquid catalyst and solvent. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and elemental analysis were used for the comparative characterization of raw cellulose and the residues. The re- suits demonstrate that this consecutive dissolution and in situ catalysis process is much more dependent on the dissolution ca- pability of ionic liquid solvent, while comparatively, the effect of in situ acid catalysis is relatively insignificant.