DNA分子原位杂交(in situ hybridization,ISH)是植物分子细胞遗传学研究的重要工具。简要回顾了DNA分子原位杂交的起源和发展,详细综述了基因组原位杂交(genomic in situ hybridization,GISH)在植物细胞遗传学研究中的应用以及荧光原位杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)在植物物理作图和染色体识别中的应用。还介绍了Fiber-FISH、BAC-FISH以及Immuno-FISH等新兴技术,最后对FISH技术进行了展望。
Haynaldia villosa (2n=2X= 14, VV), a relative of wheat, plays important roles in wheat improvement mainly owing to its disease resistance. Powdery mildew resistance gene Pm21 has been successfully transferred into wheat by Cytogenetic Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University, China, and is widely used in the current wheat breeding programs. In this research, our objective is to further transfer and utilize the beneficial genes such as eye-spot resistance, yellow rust resistance, and gene of the tufted bristles on the glume ridge (a remarkable morphology) mapped on 2V of Haynaldia villosa. A disomic addition line with gametocidal chromosome 3C ofAegilops triuncialis added in Norin-26 was crossed to the wheat-H, villosa disomic substitution 2V(2D) and the hybrid F1 was then self-crossed. Chromosome C-banding, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), and meiotic analysis in combination with molecular markers were applied to detect the chromosome variations derived from hybrids Fz and F3. To date, four translocations including one small segmental translocation T6BS·6BL-2VS, two whole arm translocations (preliminarily designed as T3DS·2VL and T2VS.7DL) and one intercalary translocation T2VS·2VL-W-2VL, one deletion Del. 2VS·2VL-, one monotelosomic Mt2VS, and one isochromosome 2VS·2VS line have been developed and characterized. One wheat SSR marker Xwmc25.120 tagging 2VS and one wheat STS marker NAU/STSBCD135-1 (2BL) tagging 2VL were successfully used to confirm the alien chromosome segments involved in the seven lines. The tufted bristles on the glume ridge appeared in lines T2VS-7DL, Mt2VS, 2VS-2VS as well as the parent DS2V(2D), whereas in T3DS·2VL, this trait did not appear. The gene controlling the tufted bristles was located on 2VS. Gametocidal chromosome 3C ofAegilops triuncialis could successfully induce chromosome 2V structural changes.
In order to develop more wheat-Haynaldia villosa translocations involving different chromosomes and chromosome segments of H. villosa, T. durum-H, villosa amphiploid was irradiated with ^60Co γ-rays at doses of 800, 1,200, and 1,600 rad. Pollen collected from the spikes 1, 2, and 3 days after irradiation were transferred to emasculated spikes of the common wheat cv. ‘Chinese Spring'. Genomic in situ hybridization was used to identify wheat-H, villosa chromosome translocations in the M1 generation. Transmission of the identified translocation chromosomes was analyzed in the BC1, BC2, and BC3 generations. The results indicated that all three irradiation doses were highly efficient for inducing wheat-alien translocations without affecting the viability of the M1 seeds. Within the range of 800-1,600 rad, both the efficiency of translocation induction and the frequency of interstitial chromosome breakage-fusion increased as the irradiation dosage increased. A higher translocation induction frequency was observed using pollen collected from the spikes 1 day after irradiation over that of 2 or 3 days after irradiation. More than 70% of the translocations detected in the M1 generation were transmitted to the BC1 through the female gametes. All translocations recovered in the BC1 generation were recovered in the following BC2, and BC3 generations. The transmission ability of different translocation types in different genetic backgrounds showed an order of ‘whole-arm translocation 〉 small alien segment translocation 〉 large alien segment translocation', through either male or female gametes, In general, the transmission ability through the female gametes was higher than that through the male gametes. By this approach, 14 translocation lines that involved different H. villosa chromosomes have been identified in the BC3 using EST-STS markers, and eight of them were homozygous.
Haynaldia villosa Schur. (syn. Dasypyrum villosum Candargy, 2n=14, VV) has been proved to be an important genetic resource for wheat improvement. The development of translocation with small alien chromosome segments, especially interstitial translocation, will be helpful for better utilization of its useful genes. Up to now, most of the reported Triticum aestivum – H. villosa translocation lines are involved in a whole arm or large alien fragments. In this paper, we report a highly efficient approach for the creation of small chromosome segment translocation lines. Before flowering, the female gametes of wheat-H. villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line were irradiated by 60CO-γ ray at 160 Rad/M dosage rate and three dosages (1600, 1920, 2240 Rad). Anthers were removed from the irradiated florets on the same day and the florets were pollinated with normal fresh pollens of T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring after 2-3 days. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) at mitosis metaphase of root-tip cell of M1 plants was used to detect the chromosome structural changes involving 6VS of H. villosa. Among the 534 M1 plants screened, 97 plants contained small segment chromosome structural changes of 6VS, including 80 interstitial translocation chromosomes, 57 terminal translocation chromosomes and 55 deletion chromosomes. For the 2240 Rad dosage treatment, the inducement frequencies of interstitial translo-cation, terminal translocation and deletion were 21.02%, 14.01%, and 14.65%, respectively, which were much higher than those previously reported. The M2 seeds were obtained by backcrossing of 74 M1 plants involving 146 chromosomes structural changes of 6VS, and it was found that the structural aberrations in the M1 plants could be transmitted to their progenies. Irradiating mature female gametes of whole arm translocation is a new and highly efficient approach for creation of small segment chromosome struc-tural changes, especially for interstitial translocations.
CHEN ShengWei1,2, CHEN PeiDu1 & WANG XiuE1 1 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China