The effect of solution temperature and cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser solid forming (LSF) Ti-6A1-4V alloy is investigated. The samples are solutions treated at 900, 950, and 1000 ℃, followed by water quenching, air cooling, and furnace cooling, respectively. It is found that the cooling rate of solution treatment hasα more important effect on the microstructure in comparison with the solution temperature. The martensite α formed during water quenching results in the higher hardness and tensile strength but lower ductility of samples. With decreasing the cooling rate and increasing the solution temperature, the width of primary α laths increases, and the aspect ratio and volume fraction decrease, which make the hardness and tensile strength decrease and the ductility increase.
采用300 W YAG激光器对7050铝合金预拉伸板进行激光成形修复实验研究。实验中选用的粉末是AlSi12,通过多道多层激光修复实验,得到了优化的工艺参数。分析了冶金缺陷产生的原因及消除措施,并分析激光修复区的组织形成和分布规律。实验结果表明,修复过程中产生的冶金缺陷主要有界面熔合不良、气孔和液化裂纹。通过对基材表面进行化学处理、优化修复工艺参数、改变粉末状态等方法获得了修复区内无气孔、裂纹,同时界面熔合良好的修复试样。组织分析结果表明,修复区底部为α-Al固溶体树枝晶和少量的枝晶间Al-Si共晶组织,随着熔覆层数的增加,共晶体积分数不断增加,同时α-Al固溶体树枝晶组织不断细化,并发生柱状晶/等轴晶转变,在修复区顶部获得了完全细化的等轴晶组织。