We present an efficient scheme for undeniable five-party quantum state sharing(FQSTS) of an arbitrary single-atom state with a five-atom cluster state in cavity QED.The implementation of this scheme does not involve the joint-state measurement of multi-atoms,which makes it convenient in a practical application.The scheme is also insensitive to the cavity decay and the thermal field.
We present a quantum secret sharing protocol against collective-amplitude-damping noise. Each logical qubit is encoded in two qubit noiseless states. So it can function over such a noisy channel. The two agents encode their messages on each logical qubit only by performing a permutation operation on two physical qubits. Although each logical qubit received by each agent only carries a bit of information, the boss Alice can read out her agents' information by discriminating two orthogonal states by performing single-qubit measurements assisted by local operation and classical communication (LOCC).