We present a linear optical scheme for achieving a unity fidelity teleportation of a two-particle four- component squeezed vacuum state using two entangled squeezed vacuum states as quantum channel. The devices used are beam splitters and ideal photon detectors capable of distinguishing between odd and even photon numbers. Moreover, we also obtain the success probability of the teleportation scheme.
Quantum teleportation via the entangled channel composed of a two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ model with Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) interaction in the presence of intrinsic decoherence has been investigated. We find that the initial state of the channel plays an important role in the teleported state and the average fidelity of teleportation. When the initial channel is in the state |ψ1 (0)〉 = a|00〉 + b|11〉, the average fidelity is equal to 1/3 constantly, which is independent of the DM interaction and the intrinsic decoherence effect. But when the channel is initially in the state |ψ2(0)〉 = a|01〉 + b|10〉, the average fidelity is always larger than 2/3. Moreover, under a certain condition, the average fidelity can be enhanced by adjusting the DM interaction, and the intrinsic decoherence leads to a suppression of the fluctuation of the average fidelity.
Entanglement dynamics of two non-interacting atoms in a squeezed vacuum reservoir is studied. Several examples with different initial entangled states ave investigated, and it is found that entangled atoms become disentangled faster in squeezed vacuum than in ordinary vacuum, and larger squeezing results in faster entanglement decay. The time evolution of the concurrence and the separability “distance” Λ can be used to explain this novel entanglement sudden death phenomenon.
Taking the intrinsic decoherence effect into account, this paper investigates the entanglement of a two-qubit anisotropic Heisenberg XYZ model in the presence of nonuniform external magnetic fields by employing the concurrence as entanglement measure. It is found that both the intrinsic decoherence and the anisotropy of the system give a significant suppression to the entanglement. Moreover it finds that the initial state of the system plays an important role in the time evolution of the entanglement, which means that the entanglement of the system is independent of the nonuniformity and uniformity of the magnetic field when the system is in the initial state |ψ (0)) = |00) and [ψ′ (0)) = m |01) + n |10), respectively.