提出了一种计算超低泄漏电流硅二极管的单粒子位移损伤电流的方法。采用SRIM软件计算了252Cf源的裂变碎片入射二极管产生的初级撞出原子的分布,并采用Shockley-Read-Hall复合理论探讨了单粒子位移损伤电流值与缺陷参数的关系,计算了252Cf源辐照引起的单粒子位移损伤电流台阶值,计算结果与实验结果一致。针对耗尽区电场非均匀的特点,提出电场分层近似方法来考虑处于耗尽区中不同位置的初级撞出原子产生的缺陷对泄漏电流的影响。结果表明,PN结附近电场增强载流子产生效应最显著,考虑电场增强效应的情况下单个Frenkel缺陷引起的泄漏电流比未考虑电场增强效应时高约44倍;裂变碎片80 Me V Nd入射比106 Me V Cd入射引起的单粒子位移损伤电流大;252Cf源的裂变碎片在二极管中引起的单粒子位移损伤电流台阶值主要集中于1 f A至1 p A之间。
The two-dimensional models for symmetrical double-material double-gate (DM-DG) strained Si (s-Si) metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) are presented. The surface potential and the surface electric field ex- pressions have been obtained by solving Poisson's equation. The models of threshold voltage and subthreshold current are obtained based on the surface potential expression. The surface potential and the surface electric field are compared with those of single-material double-gate (SM-DG) MOSFETs. The effects of different device parameters on the threshold voltage and the subthreshold current are demonstrated. The analytical models give deep insight into the device parameters design. The analytical results obtained from the proposed models show good matching with the simulation results using DESSIS.
A simulation approach is developed to obtain the linear energy transfer(LET) spectrum of all secondary ions and predict single event upset(SEU) occurrence induced by neutron in memory devices. Neutron reaction channels, secondary ion species and energy ranges, and LET calculation method are introduced respectively. Experimental results of neutron induced SEU effects on static random access memory(SRAM) and programmable read only memory(EEPROM) are presented to confirm the validity of the simulation results.
This work researched the impact of total dose irradiation on the threshold voltage of N-type metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors(nMOSFETs) in silicon-on-insulator(SOI) technology.Using the subthreshold separation technology,the factor causing the threshold voltage shift was divided into two parts:trapped oxide charges and interface states,the effects of which are presented under irradiation.Furthermore,by analyzing the data,the threshold voltage shows a negative shift at first and then turns to positive shift when irradiation dose is lower.Additionally,the influence of the dose rate effects on threshold voltage is discussed.The research results show that the threshold voltage shift is more significant in low dose rate conditions,even for a low dose of100 krad(Si).The degeneration value of threshold voltage is 23.4%and 58.0%for the front-gate and the back-gate at the low dose rate,respectively.