The potential energy surface of HPO2 system including eight isomers and twelve transition states is predicated at MP2/6-311++G(d, p) and QCISD(t)/6-311++G(3df,2p)(single-point) levels of theory. On the potential energy surface, cis-HOPO(E1) is found to be thermodynamically and kinetically most stable isomer followed by trans-HOPO(E2) and HPO(O)(C2v, E3) at 10.99 and 48.36 kJ/mol higher, respectively. Based on the potential energy surface, only E1 and E3 are thermodynamically stable isomers, and should be experimentally observable. The products cis-HPOO(E5) and frans-HPOO(E6) in the first-step reaction of HP with O2 can isomerize into isomer E1 that has higher stability. The reaction of OH with PO will directly lead to the formation of isomer E1. The computed results are well consistent with the previous experimental studies.
Two new isomers of HPS3 system, HP(S)S2 and HSSPS, are predicted by means of B3LYP method with 6-311++G(3df,3pd) basis set. The two isomers can isomerize into thermodynamically the most stable species HSPS2, which have been experimentally identified, with relatively higher reaction barriers. In view of their higher thermodynamical and kinetic stability and the experimental observation for HP(O)O2 and HOOPO in previous study, we can reasonably believe that the two species can be spectrosymmetrically characterized in future experiments.
A possible isomerization channel from BrONO (bromine nitrite) to BrNO2 (nitryl bromide) is predicted by means of MP2 and QCISD(T) (single-point) methods. The channel is a direct bromine abstraction reaction from BrONO molecule by NO2 in which the forward reaction barrier is 89.30 kJ/mol at final UQCISD(T)/6-311+G(2df)//UMP2/6-311G(d) level of theory with zero-point energies included. The result can explain the available experiments very well.