[Objective] This study was to investigate the effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on seed setting rate and 1 000-grain weight of hybrid rice combinations. [Method] The seed setting rate and 1 000-grain weight of 10 new sterile indica restorer lines planted in pots under enhanced UV-B radiation and fluorescent lamps (control) were respectively measured, and the differences were compared. [Result] The enhanced UV-B radiation significantly reduced the seed setting rate of indica restorer lines, and the differences between that UV-B radiation treatment and control all reached extremely significant level. In addition, the enhanced UV-B radiation reduced the 1 000-grain weight of most indica restorer lines, and compared with that of control the difference achieved significant or very significant level. However, the effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on seed setting rate and 1 000-grain weight differed to different indica restorer lines, and the differences among restorer lines tested were significant or very significant, which indicated the possibility to screen antiUV-B radiation rice materials and combinations. Finally, the indica restorer lines 09R-14, Luhui 37 and 10R-7703 which were strongly resistant to UV-B radiation were screened out. [Conclusion] This study laid foundation for breeding hybrid rice varieties resistance to UV-B radiation.