甚长基线干涉测量(very long baseline interferometry,VLBI)技术是深空探测器测定轨的方法之一,也是行星无线电科学研究的重要手段.VLBI相时延通过解算相关相位的整周模糊度解算出探测器的VLBI时延观测量,可有效地降低相位随机误差的影响,从而提高时延测量的精度.本文论述了解算相位整周模糊度的条件和方法,给出相时延的解算方法,并分析比较了相时延与群时延的随机误差水平.以嫦娥二号(CE2)卫星飞往拉格朗日L2点的探测任务为例,求解了两个月内10次VLBI观测的相时延并分析了数据质量.相时延和群时延分别联合测速测距数据的定轨结果表明,在150万公里的距离上相时延用于探测器的定轨是可行的.
Chang'E-3 spacecraft was orbiting the Moon from December 6 14, 2013, and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations were performed to improve the accuracy of its orbit determination. In the process of recording VLBI raw data, 2 bits quantization was implemented. Interesting phenomenon was that signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of each VLBI station experienced periodical change and had large variation on amplitude while in the Moon's orbit, whereas SNR kept in a stable level after Chang'E-3 landed on the Moon. Influence of varying elevation angle on SNR was analyzed and compensation of 2 bits quantization harmonics to SNR calculation was investigated. Most importantly, telescope system noise temperature increase caused by the Moon was computed along the time of Chang'E-3 orbiting the Moon, and well matched SNR changing trend in terms of correlation coefficients.
he qingbaoliu qinghuili peijiakawaguchi noriyukiwu yajunzheng xinzhang juanxu zhijun