Based on the low-order conforming finite element subspace (Vh, Mh) such as the P1-P0 triangle element or the Q1-P0 quadrilateral element, the locally stabilized finite element method for the Stokes problem with nonlinear slip boundary conditions is investigated in this paper. For this class of nonlinear slip boundary conditions including the subdifferential property, the weak variational formulation associated with the Stokes problem is an variational inequality. Since (Vh, Mh) does not satisfy the discrete inf-sup conditions, a macroelement condition is introduced for constructing the locally stabilized formulation such that the stability of (Vh, Mh) is established. Under these conditions, we obtain the H1 and L2 error estimates for the numerical solutions.
In this paper, the Uzawa iteration algorithm is applied to the Stokes problem with nonlinear slip boundary conditions whose variational formulation is the variational inequality of the second kind. Firstly, the multiplier in a convex set is introduced such that the variational inequality is equivalent to the variational identity. Moreover, the solution of the variational identity satisfies the saddle-point problem of the Lagrangian functional ζ. Subsequently, the Uzawa algorithm is proposed to solve the solution of the saddle-point problem. We show the convergence of the algorithm and obtain the convergence rate. Finally, we give the numerical results to verify the feasibility of the Uzawa algorithm.
In this paper, the geometrical design for the blade's surface in an impeller or for the profile of an aircraft, is modeled from the mathematical point of view by a boundary shape control problem for the Navier-Stokes equations. The objective function is the sum of a global dissipative function and the power of the fluid. The control variables are the geometry of the boundary and the state equations are the Navier-Stokes equations. The Euler-Lagrange equations of the optimal control problem are derived, which are an elliptic boundary value system of fourth order, coupled with the Navier-Stokes equations. The authors also prove the existence of the solution of the optimal control problem, the existence of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions, the weak continuity of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with respect to the geometry shape of the blade's surface and the existence of solutions of the equations for the Gateaux derivative of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with respect to the geometry of the boundary.
In this work, a new numerical scheme is proposed for thermal/isothermal incompressible viscous flows based on operator splitting. Unique solvability and stability analysis are presented. Some numerical result are given, which show that the proposed scheme is highly efficient for the thermal/isothermal incompressible viscous flows.