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  • 1篇2012
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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
Optimization of the MUSCL scheme by dispersion and dissipation被引量:3
A second-order optimized monotonicity-preserving MUSCL scheme(OMUSCL2) is developed based on the dispersion and dissipation optimization and monotonicity-preserving technique.The new scheme(OMUSCL2) is simple in expression and is easy for use in CFD codes.Compared with the original second-order or third-order MUSCL scheme,the new scheme shows nearly the same CPU cost and higher resolution to shockwaves and small-scale waves.This new scheme has been tested through a set of one-dimensional and two-dimensional tests,including the Shu-Osher problem,the Sod problem,the Lax problem,the two-dimensional double Mach reflection and the RAE2822 transonic airfoil test.All numerical tests show that,compared with the original MUSCL schemes,the new scheme causes fewer dispersion and dissipation errors and produces higher resolution.
LENG YanLI XinLiangFU DeXunMA YanWen
Direct numerical simulation of shock/turbulent boundary layer interaction in a supersonic compression ramp被引量:24
A direct numerical simulation of the shock/turbulent boundary layer interaction flow in a supersonic 24-degree compression ramp is conducted with the free stream Mach number 2.9.The blow-and-suction disturbance in the upstream wall boundary is used to trigger the transition.Both the mean wall pressure and the velocity profiles agree with those of the experimental data,which validates the simulation.The turbulent kinetic energy budget in the separation region is analyzed.Results show that the turbulent production term increases fast in the separation region,while the turbulent dissipation term reaches its peak in the near-wall region.The turbulent transport term contributes to the balance of the turbulent conduction and turbulent dissipation.Based on the analysis of instantaneous pressure in the downstream region of the mean shock and that in the separation bubble,the authors suggest that the low frequency oscillation of the shock is not caused by the upstream turbulent disturbance,but rather the instability of separation bubble.
LI XinLiang1,FU DeXun2,MA YanWen2 & LIANG Xian1 1 Key Laboratory of High Temperature Gas Dynamics,Institute of Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
Direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows被引量:18
This paper reviews the authors' recent studies on compressible turbulence by using direct numerical simulation (DNS),including DNS of isotropic(decaying) turbulence, turbulent mixing-layer,turbulent boundary-layer and shock/boundary-layer interaction.Turbulence statistics, compressibility effects,turbulent kinetic energy budget and coherent structures are studied based on the DNS data.The mechanism of sound source in turbulent flows is also analyzed. It shows that DNS is a powerful tool for the mechanistic study of compressible turbulence.
Xin-Liang LiDe-Xun FuYan-Wen MaXian Liang
A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference scheme被引量:6
Based on an upwind compact difference scheme and the idea of monotonicity-preserving, a 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference scheme (m-UCD5) is proposed. The new difference scheme not only retains the advantage of good resolution of high wave number but also avoids the Gibbs phenomenon of the original upwind compact difference scheme. Compared with the classical 5th order WENO difference scheme, the new difference scheme is simpler and small in diffusion and computation load. By employing the component-wise and characteristic-wise methods, two forms of the new difference scheme are proposed to solve the N-S/Euler equation. Through the Sod problem, the Shu-Osher problem and tbe two-dimensional Double Mach Reflection problem, numerical solutions have demonstrated this new scheme does have a good resolution of high wave number and a robust ability of capturing shock waves, leading to a conclusion that the new difference scheme may be used to simulate complex flows containing shock waves.
HE ZhiWeiLI XinLiangFU DeXunMA YanWen